The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Government of Yukon provides update on Minto mine
Unpaid royalties resolved, receiver appointed and reclamation planning begins for Minto mine.
Forest Resources Act and Regulation “What We Heard” report now available
Review the What We Heard Report for the Forest Resources Act and Regulation engagement.
What We Heard Report released for the Recommended Dawson Regional Land Use Plan
Find out what Yukoners had to say about the Recommended Plan for the Dawson Regional Planning Area here.

Government of Yukon seeking judicial review of mineral exploration project assessment
The Government of Yukon is applying for a judicial review of the assessment of the Michelle Creek mineral exploration project.
Yukon government hires contractor to ensure environmental protection at the Minto Mine
The Government of Yukon has hired a contractor to ensure environmental protection is maintained at the Minto Mine.
The Government of Yukon renews the Timber Harvesting Incentive program
The Government of Yukon is renewing the incentive for commercial timber harvesters. Registered commercial businesses can qualify for $10 per cubic metre for harvested wood.
Government of Yukon invests $1.4 million to support mineral exploration in 2023-24
The Government of Yukon is investing $1.4 million into 28 hard rock and 16 placer projects through the Yukon Mineral Exploration Program in 2023-24.
Lottery and tender open for lots in Yukon communities
28 residential, country residential and industrial lots are now available for lottery and tender in Yukon communities.
Land lottery and tender offers 119 lots in Whistle Bend
Lottery and tender results of residential lots offered in Whistle Bend subdivision of Whitehorse.
Statement from Minister John Streicker on inspector’s direction to Minto Metals Corporation
Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker has issued a statement in response to an inspector’s direction to Minto Metals Corporation.