Statement from Minister John Streicker on inspector’s direction to Minto Metals Corporation

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker has issued the following statement:

“An inspector’s direction has been issued for Minto Metals Corporation to prepare to take action to protect the environment during the spring snow melt.

“Once the total storage capacity in the tailings management facilities falls below 300,000 cubic metres, the company must begin transferring water from the current water storage facilities to another on-site pit to ensure safe storage prior to treatment. At that time, they must also temporarily cease the depositing of tailings during the spring snow melt to allow water storage levels to recover. While transferring water to this pit is not part of the current water license, the risk is low as it was previously mined, and offers the best choice to protect the integrity of water and tailings storage facilities in advance of the spring snow melt.

“Our government supports responsible mining, and this decision was not taken lightly by the inspector. However, we must act in the face of growing evidence that additional precipitation and spring melt waters could put the environmental integrity of the mine site and downstream area at risk unless we direct action to take place now. This proactive action will ensure any immediate risks are mitigated and sets the stage for continued operations in the years ahead.

“I recognize that this is a challenging time for the company, its employees, and subcontractors, as well as the community as a whole. We are committed to continuing to work with Selkirk First Nation and Minto Metals Corporation to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.”

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Carleen Kerr

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