The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Third Yukon Resource Gateway Project agreement reached
The Government of Yukon and Ross River Dena Council have reached an agreement in principle to improve parts of the North Canol Road and the Robert Campbell Highway.

Project coordination committee struck for Brewery Creek Mine
The Government of Yukon and Golden Predator Mining Corp. are taking steps to make communication more efficient concerning the Brewery Creek Mine.

Yukon Renewable Electricity Panel final report released
Yukon Renewable Electricity Panel final report includes recommendations on how to meet Yukon’s electricity demands through renewable sources.
British Columbia and Yukon partner on strategies to feed the North
A new Memorandum of Understanding between Yukon and British Columbia will promote food security, increase sustainable agricultural production and grow market opportunities.

Second Yukon Resource Gateway Project agreement reached
The Government of Yukon and Liard First Nation are working together to improve the Nahanni Range Road as part of the Yukon Resource Gateway Project.
Yukon-wide class 1 notification proposed for 2020
The Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations with Final Agreements have reached an agreement to require notification of Class 1 mineral exploration activities across Yukon.
Government to extend expiry date for Peel region withdrawals
Moratorium on mineral staking in the Peel region is extended until April 2020.
Three new electric vehicle fast-charging stations available in Yukon
The Government of Yukon has installed the territory’s first electric vehicle fast-charging stations.

Leckie Awards recognize excellence in mining practices
The winners of the 2019 Robert E. Leckie Awards were announced at the 47th Annual Geoscience Forum & Trade Show banquet.
Government responds to Wolverine mine security report
Government of Yukon responds to findings about how the security amount for Wolverine mine was set.