Leckie Awards recognize excellence in mining practices

The winners of the 2019 Robert E. Leckie Awards were announced yesterday evening at the 47th Annual Geoscience Forum & Trade Show banquet. This year’s recipients were John Alton and Moonlight Mining.

The award for responsible and innovative exploration and mining practices was awarded to John Alton for going well beyond the required reclamations and promoting regrowth and creek stability. This work includes well-constructed and stable water structures, continuous top soil spreading, contouring, rock armoring and boulder groupings. John has shown skill in stream restoration on Hunker Creek by fully restoring a stream channel with his diversions. When the Department of Fisheries and Oceans assessed the restoration as complete, John returned to the site to monitor and continue stabilizing the diversion to a greater degree than required. He did this to improve the fish habitat as well as the lives of fish.

The award for excellence in environmental stewardship in placer mining went to Moonlight Mining. Restoration work completed by Moonlight Mining is on both mined and previously mined but un-reclaimed land. The company covered their claims and the previously un-reclaimed areas with a vegetative mat of in situ material. Moonlight has stabilized hill walls, stockpiled vegetative mats, created ponds and encouraged root growth on the bench claims terrain. They have also added fresh water ponds, which encourage wildlife and waterfowl, as well as contoured sloping to help return the landscape to a more natural state.

The Government of Yukon values the outstanding work and efforts put forth by both the winners and nominees. The reclamation work that Mr. Alton and Moonlight Mining have done speaks volumes to their dedication to sustainable practices and demonstrates the balance that can be achieved between resource development and stewardship of all Yukon lands.


Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • The Leckie Awards acknowledge companies who have demonstrated excellence in environmental stewardship, outstanding social responsibility, leadership and innovation in mining practices.

  • The awards are given in honour of Robert (Bob) E. Leckie, a Mayo mining inspector and innovator who was dedicated to the development of progressive land use practices for mining.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Natalie Pendergast
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

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