The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Child Care Act amendment tabled in the Legislative Assembly
The Government of Yukon is proposing to modernize the Child Care Act to help ensure that early learning and childcare services align.
Nominations are open for the Council of the Federation Literacy Award
Premier Sandy Silver and Education Minister Jeanie McLean are encouraging nominations for Council of the Federation Literacy Award.
Yukon school calendar dates set for 2021–22
The Government of Yukon has set school calendar dates for all Yukon schools for the 2021–22 school year.
Grades 10 to 12 students in Whitehorse to return to full-time, in-person classes
Whitehorse Grades 10 to 12 students at F.H. Collins, Vanier Catholic and Porter Creek secondary schools will return to full-time, in-person classes on April 19, 2021.
Tender issued for construction of the Whistle Bend elementary school
Whitehorse is getting a new elementary school. A design-build tender has been posted for the Whistle Bend elementary school.

Universal child care program will make life more affordable for Yukon families
As of April 1, families who are registered in a participating licensed full-time childcare program will save up to $700 per child each month.
Child Care Act amendment tabled
Proposed amendments would help ensure that early learning and child care services align with other education services offered by the government.
Universal childcare and early kindergarten will support Yukon families
The Government of Yukon is advancing the implementation of affordable early learning and childcare for Yukon families.
Government of Yukon and Kluane First Nation continue work together on new school in Burwash Landing
The Government of Yukon and Kluane First Nation have taken another step toward a new school in Burwash Landing, launching a tender for an Owner’s Advisor to guide the project.
Government of Yukon provides additional staffing and tutoring supports for the 2020–21 school year
The Government of Yukon is hiring more educators and increasing funding for tutoring programs to support Yukon students throughout the pandemic.