Renewable energy

Generate electricity using renewable energy sources with a small-scale home or business system or a larger commercial system and sell excess to the utilities.

These programs support Our Clean Future, our strategy to address the climate emergency.

Renewable energy rebate

a couple talking to an energy advisor about solar panels

We'll pitch in up to $5,000 for a small-scale, renewable energy generating system for your home.

Learn the steps to apply for your rebate.

Solar hot-water heating-system rebate

Get 20 per cent of your material costs up to $1,200 when you install a solar domestic hot-water heating system.

Apply for your rebate.

Solar hot-water tubes o the roof of a red house

Micro-generation program

2 construction workers installing solar panels on a house roof

Sell unused electricity you generate to the utilities

This program is for systems installed on homes or businesses that are connected to the grid.

Learn how to sign-up for the program.

Independent power production program

Generate electricity on a large scale through renewable energy sources

Establish your business and sell electricity to the utilities.

Learn how to become an independent power producer.

A row of solar panels in a field with sunny blue sky and scattered clouds above.


If you have questions about Good Energy rebates, contact the Energy Branch. Email or phone 867-393-7063 or, toll-free in the Yukon, 1-800-661-0408 and ask to be transferred.