The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Statement from Premier Sandy Silver on Kluane Adamek being acclaimed as Regional Chief for the Assembly of First Nations
Statement from Premier Sandy Silver on Kluane Adamek being acclaimed as Regional Chief for the Assembly of First Nations.
Statement from Premier Sandy Silver on the new federal Cabinet
Statement from Premier Sandy Silver on the new federal Cabinet.
Statement from Premier Sandy Silver on the shooting in Faro
Premier Sandy Silver issued the following statement on the shooting in Faro.
Government of Yukon donates to support Afghanistan humanitarian relief
The Government of Yukon has made a donation to humanitarian relief efforts in Afghanistan.
Youth Panel on Climate Change presents recommendations to Government of Yukon to advance climate action
Premier Sandy Silver and cabinet ministers met with the Yukon's Youth Panel on Climate Change today to receive their climate change recommendations.

New Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act tabled in the Yukon Legislative Assembly
Comprehensive new Bill would replace the Workers’ Compensation Act and Occupational Health and Safety Act.
The Commissioner of Yukon launches a Reference Library at Taylor House
The Commissioner of Yukon launches a Reference Library available to the public at the Taylor House.
Government of Yukon launches second call for COVID-19 Recovery Research Program
The Government of Yukon announces a second invitation for expressions of interest, for research to support the Yukon’s recovery from COVID-19 impacts.
2021 fall sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly to begin
The 2021 fall sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly will begin at 1 p.m. on Thursday, October 7.
Pathways: Stories of collaboration, partnership and reconciliation magazine launched
New public service-led, Yukon government-wide publication highlights the work of the public service to advance reconciliation with First Nations.