2021 fall sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly to begin

The 2021 fall sitting of the 35th Yukon Legislative Assembly will begin at 1 p.m. on Thursday, October 7.

Several new Bills will be tabled for debate, including:

  • a supplementary budget Bill along with a Interim Fiscal and Economic Update for the 2021–22 fiscal year;
  • legislation to help make home retrofits more affordable for Yukoners while supporting the goals of Our Clean Future;
  • a new Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act to replace the Workers’ Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act; and
  • amendments to the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act that would provide more clarity to resource companies and additional administrative and enforcement tools for regulators.

The public gallery of the Legislative Assembly will be open with seating available on a first come first serve basis. Media and members of the public in attendance will be required to wear masks. Members of the public are encouraged to bring their own masks. Hand cleaning stations will be present as well.

Anyone showing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should not attend and should comply with the recommendations of the Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health.

Live coverage of the proceedings are available at https://yukonassembly.ca/house-business/coverage-proceedings and will be broadcasted on 93.5 FM.  

Quick facts
  • To support physical distancing, newsrooms are asked to consider sending the minimum number of staff required for news gathering purposes.

  • The duration of the 2021 fall sitting will be determined by the House Leaders of the three parties represented in the Yukon Legislative Assembly.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

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