A new eProcurement system that will make government procurement easier, faster and more reliable for businesses is now live.
The Government of Yukon has replaced the current Tender Management System (TMS) with a new, more efficient platform called bids&tenders. The online system has features that will streamline procurement, including:
- electronic bidding that includes supplier registration, tender notifications and electronic submissions for suppliers;
- contract management that meets the standards of our financial systems;
- spend analytics for reporting and planning, leading to more strategic procurement and greater transparency; and
- vendor performance review program management that includes evaluation and tracking of contract performance.
An online submission system will reduce the need for paper bids, flag compliance errors for bidders and improve spending analysis across government.
Businesses interested in bidding on contracts with the Government of Yukon are encouraged to sign up for an account on bids&tenders. Online training is available to assist with creating an account or submitting a bid in the new system.
We are excited to launch this new eProcurement system to provide a faster and more accessible, reliable and transparent tendering system for businesses. Moving to online bids will save businesses time and money while maximizing the economic benefit for Yukoners. This is part of our enduring commitment to support the economy and drive competition and innovation in the Yukon.
Businesses can learn how to use the new system through online training sessions found here.
To bid on upcoming contracts, individuals and businesses will be required to create an account on bids&tenders even if they send in a paper based submission.
As the new eProcurement system is phased in, paper-based procurement will be phased out. After January 1, 2021, paper based submissions will no longer be accepted and hard copies of tender documents will no longer be distributed for tenders posted.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Krysten Johnson
Communications, Highways and Public Works