Government of Yukon overhauls procurement

The Government of Yukon’s new procurement policy represents a comprehensive overhaul of government procurement that helps businesses access contracting opportunities, increases consistency and allows more flexibility in sourcing goods and services.

The new procurement policy clarifies roles and responsibilities and will guide government staff on how to increase opportunities for Yukon businesses to support sound decision-making. It comes into effect on April 1, 2019.

Other changes to procurement include a new definition of a Yukon business, adjusted timelines for tender forecasts, higher thresholds for competitive tendering and new exceptions that respond to trade agreements.  The changes will help the Government of Yukon optimize the impacts of its spending on the local economy, better support vendors’ planning and optimize opportunities for regional economic development in the territory.

The Procurement Business Committee helped develop the changes, which address all of the 11 recommendations of the Procurement Advisory Panel. Further improvements to procurement are also underway, including the development of a First Nations procurement policy and an electronic procurement system.

Procurement is a vital part of building a stronger economy. We are proud to deliver on our commitment to modernize procurement in a way that supports Yukon businesses and First Nations. It is important to understand procurement improvement is a journey, not a destination. The changes we have made improve guidance for conducting high quality procurements and address long-standing vendor concerns but there is more to come. We look forward to continuing to work with the private sector and First Nations to modernize procurement in the territory so that businesses of all sizes can compete for and secure government contracts.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

As the Chair of the Yukon Procurement Advisory Panel, I believe that the recommendations from the report are being addressed. It is important to note that many of the recommendations that were set out by the advisory panel don’t have a simple finish line but instead require sustained effort over the long term. I do believe the intent that we set out is being met through various initiatives by the Government of Yukon.

Procurement Advisory Panel chair Leslie Anderson

As a panel member of the Yukon Procurement Advisory Panel, I believe that the Government of Yukon is listening, has applied resources to the issues and has taken, and will continue to take, action that meets the goals of the Panel. We look forward to continuing our working relationship to benefit Yukon businesses.

Procurement Advisory Panel Member Steve Bartsch

Quick facts
  • Last year, the Government of Yukon spent $345 million through procurement, $213 million of which went to Yukon businesses.

  • The Procurement Business Committee was established in May 2018 to ensure community businesses and First Nation development corporations have a voice in implementing procurement improvements.

  • The Government of Yukon partners with business groups to host an annual reverse trade show, as well as an annual industry conference, to build stronger relationships between private and public sectors.

  • The Government of Yukon implemented trade agreement exceptions for regional economic development in 10 contracts per year to offer opportunities to Yukon businesses only, using selection criteria developed with industry input.

  • The Government of Yukon put out tenders totalling more than $61 million for small, medium and large seasonally-dependent construction projects before March 31, 2018, to support vendor planning.

  • Value-driven procurements now include criteria that give points for First Nation participation and northern experience and knowledge. Since June 1, 2017, there have been 189 value-driven procurements with these mandatory clauses to help First Nations and local businesses to secure government contracts.

  • More than 150 employees are enrolled in a professional procurement certification program to improve quality and consistency of procurements across the government.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Katy Mead
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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