Government of Yukon seeks feedback on proposed changes to Societies Act

The Government of Yukon is working to modernize and improve the legislation that governs societies in the territory. Yukoners are invited to review and comment on the proposed changes to the Societies Act from May 1 to June 30, 2018.

During public engagement last fall, over 90 people participated by written submissions, at open houses and focus groups in Whitehorse, and through conference calls with Watson Lake and Dawson City. Participants provided examples of where they had difficulty with the legislation and suggestions of how they thought it could be improved. This second phase of engagement will allow Yukoners to provide feedback on how that input was considered and incorporated into efforts to modernize this legislation.

Societies and their volunteers contribute significantly to the quality of life in Yukon. I thank everyone who participated in the public engagement last fall and look forward to receiving feedback on the proposed changes, which aim to better meet the needs of societies going forward.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • Feedback from the previous public engagement (October 14 to December 14, 2017) fell into the following main categories:

    • Bylaws;
    • Extra-territorial societies;
    • Chapters and branches of national and international organizations;
    • Streamlined processes; 
    • Financial review;
    • Annual reporting;
    • Dissolving societies; and
    • Dispute resolution.
Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services

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