Final report on inclusive and special education released in ceremony

The final report of the review of Inclusive and special education in the Yukon was released in ceremony today at the Haa Shagóon Hídi (Learning Centre) in Carcross.

Ministers, Chiefs, Elders and members of First Nations Education Commission and the Advisory Committee for Yukon Education gathered in-person with school communities joining remotely via livestream to honour and acknowledge the stories shared as part of the review and to begin to work on next steps.   

The independent report, completed by Dr. Nikki Yee, outlines the story of inclusive and special education in the Yukon, as experienced by people in the education system. It also highlights how the current approach for delivering inclusive and special education programming needs to be improved to meet the needs of students.

This report will be used to improve and modernize inclusive and special education in the Yukon and to identify how to more effectively support student learning needs and outcomes.

Trigger warning: stories shared in the final report may be overwhelming and painful for readers. Counselling and outreach supports for adults, youth and families are available.

I honour and acknowledge the many stories and perspectives shared as part of the review of inclusive and special education. There is much work ahead of us to address the report findings and longstanding failings of the education system. I’m calling for change for the benefit of all our children and society. I share Dr. Yee’s vision of building a world-class system where the strengths of every learner are built up to help them meet their personal goals.

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean

It has been a privilege for me to connect with so many people who have an interest in inclusive and special education in Yukon. They shared not only significant individual and systems level challenges, but also talked about some truly amazing ideas, programs, and people already in Yukon that could help create an equitable education system for diverse students with many kinds of needs. Going forward, there is a real opportunity for diverse peoples to come together, in community with one another, to create a visionary system of inclusive and special education.

Independent review consultant Nikki Yee 

Quick facts
  • Dr. Nikki Yee is an educator with a doctorate in special education from the University of British Columbia. In 2020, she began a full review of the services and supports for inclusive and special education in the Yukon.

  • To compile the final report, Dr. Yee estimates she connected with 300 to 400 people, reviewed notes from 31 focus groups and 26 individual interviews, and read more than 73 written submissions and 500 stories and comments shared through the online tool developed for the review.

  • Watch the ceremony livestream here: 

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Erin MacDonald
Communications, Education

Nikki Yee
Independent review consultant

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