Get counselling and support for families, youth and children

The Child, Youth and Family Treatment Team (CYFTT) provides a range of counselling and support services. They help school-aged children, youth and families in the Yukon. CYFTT services are free of charge.

We offer five services:

  • Rapid access counselling
  • Clinical counselling
  • Clinical outreach counselling
  • Child and youth outreach groups
  • Youth outreach clinic

Referrals can come from:

  • schools;
  • medical offices; and
  • other community organizations.

Self-referrals are welcome as well. In certain cases, youth may consent to services without their caregiver's approval or knowledge.

Rapid access counselling services

Rapid access counselling (RAC) is one session of targeted counselling available to you when you need it. The RAC session is designed to provide solution-focused support for a variety of urgent needs such as:

  • families in crisis;
  • caregivers with children of all ages looking for support for parenting; and
  • youth over the age of 13 with urgent mental health needs.

You may find that in one session you are able to resolve a current stressor, or you may choose for yourself (as a youth over 13), your family or child to be put on the waitlist for longer term counselling or to join a mental health based group or program offered by CYFTT.

If you are a caregiver or a youth over the age of 13, you can call 867-456-3838 Monday-Friday and a rapid access counselling session will be scheduled for you within 3 days.

Clinical counselling services

Counselling services are for people living with mental health, social, or behavioural issues. Counselling services may include:

  • referrals to other organizations and services;
  • trauma-informed and evidence-based treatments;
  • individual, family and group counselling; and
  • assessments for treatment planning.

We also provide support and information to other service providers. This can help families and caregivers to problem-solve and build capacity. This type of support may include managing challenging behaviours and mental wellness issues.

Depending on who your appointment is booked with, you may be entering Suite 101 or Suite 201 at 211 Hawkins Street.  Be sure to ask when booking your appointment which entrance to use.

Clinical outreach counselling

CYFTT clinical counsellors support children and youth by providing clinical counselling services and psychoeducation workshops at schools and community organizations. 

  • In Whitehorse, CYFTT counsellors are available to youth at high schools including the Individual Learning Centre and Youth Achievement Centre.
  • In the communities, CYFTT counsellors are often available at elementary and high schools.

If you or your organization would like to collaborate, contact the CYFTT office at 867-667-5885.

Child and Youth Outreach Groups

In Whitehorse, child and youth outreach groups provide children and youth opportunities to have fun while developing social-emotional skills in a small group setting.  While in group, children and youth learn to regulate emotions, form and sustain friendships, communicate effectively, feel a sense of belonging and move through difficult situations in helpful ways. 

To get this support, visit 211 Hawkins Street, (suite 102).

Youth outreach clinic

The Youth Medical Clinic in Whitehorse provides low-barrier access to health and wellness services for youth ages 12-18. The Youth Outreach Clinic provides youth-friendly, non-urgent primary care health services by a Registered Nurse. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • health system navigation;
  • non urgent health care;
  • mental health;
  • substance use;
  • sexual and reproductive health
  • blood collection; and
  • immunizations.

To access this service, visit 211 Hawkins Street, (suite 102).

Youth outreach clinic drop-in times: 

Monday 1 to 6 pm (support workers available)

To book an appointment:  Text or call 867-335-1728

For more information or to book an appointment phone or text 867-335-1728 or email 

Services in the communities

In communities outside of Whitehorse, CYFT services are provided by local Mental Wellness and Substance Use staff serving the community. They can meet you in the school, community or office location.

Call our toll free line at 1-866-456-3838 to get connected or find out more about services available.

Find information about the closest community hub location to you.

In case of an emergency

  • For a clinical emergency, go to your local emergency room or phone 911.
  • If you're concerned for the safety of a child or youth, contact Family and Children’s services.
  • CYFTT services are not intended for legal proceedings involving custody or access.

If you have questions, phone 1-867-667-5885. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

In person: 211 Hawkins Street




Government of Yukon

Health and Social Services                                                                                                                    CYFTT-MWSUS                                                                                                                                              P.O.Box 2703  (H-10A)                                                                                                                                  Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6​

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