The worksheets are used to complete a project proposal for Class 4 placer mining activities.
Use this form to request the use of testimonial aids during a trial, such as: witness screens set up in the courtroom; video link from another room in the courthouse; or video link from another location outside the courthouse.
Use this form to assign an approved quartz operating plan (permit) to a new operator.
Use this form to apply for a certificate of leasehold title.
Use this form to apply for a certificate of life estate title.
Use this form to request to record a lapsed caveat on a Certificate of Title.
A person uses this form to withdraw a caveat on a certificate of title.
Use this form to apply for a title, lease, or licence for public land. This form includes your application for subdivision, if required.
Use this form to notify a caveator that they have 60 days to prove their claim before it lapses.
Use this form to request a student transfer to another school outside of their attendance area.
Use this form to give notice of a sale at a public auction, under the Garage Keeper Lien Act.
Use this form to apply for or renew a notary public licence.
Use this form to enrol in the Yukon Veterinary Services Program.
See information on the Veterinary Services Program and how to keep livestock healthy.
Use this form to change the registered address or place where society operations are carried out.
Return to societies.
Yukon societies submit this form with their annual returns.
Important instructions to complete this form The full names and addresses of directors are required to be recorded and displayed in the societies’ public registry as… more
Use this form to give notice of a change of directors and officers in a Yukon society.
Important instructions to complete this form The full names and addresses of directors are required to be recorded and displayed in the… moreUse this form to obtain a lien for wages for work done. Use for multiple claimants.
Use this form to report your flowing hole for oil and gas geoscience exploration.
Use this form to report on your geoscience activities for oil and gas exploration.
Use this form to register an extra-territorial corporation based outside of Yukon.
Use this form as an affidavit to verify a claim of lien or a discharge of lien.
Use this form to claim a lien for materials or machinery placed or furnished.