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Use this form to transfer ownership or partial ownership of an oil and gas disposition.

Use this form to transfer your oil and gas licence to another approved corporation.

Use this form to apply for approval to perform oil and gas well operations.

Use this form to report details of how the oil and gas well has been completed, suspended or abandoned.

Use this form to register security interest related to a specific disposition for oil and gas resources. It is 1 in a series of statutory notices that can be registered with the Oil and Gas Resources Branch.

Use this form to apply for an identification code and submit oil and gas corporate profile information.

Use this form to apply for a Yukon special occasion liquor permit.

Use this form to apply for a Yukon reception liquor permit.

Apply for the Yukon Historic Resources Fund (YHRF) with this form. This form includes guidelines. Projects should promote the appreciation, preservation and development of Yukon's heritage.

Apply for the Historic Properties Assistance Program (HPA) with this form. The form includes guidelines. This program provides technical and financial support for privately owned historic properties in Yukon.

Use this form to renew placer claims using the work you performed.

Use this form to give up all or part of an oil and gas disposition to the Government of Yukon.

Use this form to apply for an amendment to a valid oil and gas Well Operation Approval that was issued by the Oil and Gas Resources Branch.

Use this form when submitting documents to the Oil and Gas Resources Branch. The form provides useful contact information. You can use 1 transmittal letter to submit multiple documents.

Use this form to update changes to your oil and gas company’s legal name, address and contact information. This change of information will be updated for all Yukon dispositions and licences related to your company.

If you are a secured party for oil and gas resources, use this form to revise your address with the Oil and Gas Resources Branch. You have to submit this form for each registered security notice and each oil and gas disposition affected by… more

Use this form to record the address of the designated representative or sole holder of the oil or gas company. The Oil and Gas Resources Branch will send notices and documents to this address.

Use this form to designate a company to represent the holder or holders of an oil and gas disposition. This form is also used when replacing or revoking a representative.

Submit this application for a lease before extracting oil and gas. You can submit it at any time during the term of your oil and gas permit. Before applying for an oil and gas lease you must meet specific requirements.

Use this form to register a certified copy of an order or judgment of the Supreme Court to postpone a security notice on oil and gas resources. This notice is 1 in a series of statutory notices that you can register with the Oil and Gas… more

Use this form to transfer security interest in oil and gas resources to an approved person. This could be a person who has made a loan to a holder of an oil and gas disposition. This notice is 1 in a series of statutory notices that you… more

Use this form when a secured party discharges a security interest in oil and gas resources in whole or in part. This notice is 1 in a series of statutory notices that you can register with the Oil and Gas Resources Branch.

Use this form when the Government of Yukon invites expressions for oil and gas rights. To be eligible for a permit, a corporation must meet specific requirements or be approved to hold a permit.

Use this form to submit a bid to the Minister’s call on the sale of 1 or more oil and gas dispositions. An oil and gas permit may be awarded to the bidder having the highest bid.

Use this form to register a certified copy of a Supreme Court order or judgment stating that the secured party has agreed to the discharge or partial discharge of the postponement of the security notice on an oil and gas disposition. This… more

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