Use this form to make a constitutional alteration with change of name for your society.
Return to societies.
Use this form to make a constitutional alteration with change of name for your society.
Return to societies.
Use this form to change the directors of a society and the addresses of the directors in between annual general meetings (AGMs).
Use this form to submit your society's annual summary report from the liquidator.
Use this form to assign power of attorney for prospecting leases on behalf of a corporation.
A completed affiliate form from each affiliate will need to be uploaded as part of the application for funding for Yukon sport governing bodies.
Use this form for each coach whose salary was subsidized by the Podium Pathway Grant. The organization will submit this as part of their reporting requirements.
Fill out the person release form for the Food Literacy Grant when submitting images, video or sound recording with your final report for the Food Literacy Grant.
Complete the Food Literacy Grant final report once your project is complete. Submit your completed report to the health promotion team.
A corporation must use this form when it submits a document signed without a corporate seal.
An owner who has granted an easement over their property uses this form to release part of the easement.
Use this form to register a plan that changes the boundaries of more than one parcel.
Review these guidelines and complete this application form to apply to the Economic Development Fund, supporting projects and initiatives that provide long-term, sustainable economic benefits to Yukoners and Yukon communities.
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Use this form to register a new plan to change the legal description of a parcel.
An owner who has granted a lease uses this form to cancel the lease if the term has expired.
A person who has the rights under an easement uses this form to cancel the easement.
A corporation signing under corporate seal uses this form to register a discharge.
A corporation signing without a corporate seal uses this form when it submits a discharge.
Use this form to apply to cancel a plan registered under the former Land Titles Act.
Use this form to register a caveat with the Land Titles Office if you are entitled to an interest in land.
A corporation signing as an attorney with a corporate seal uses this form when it submits a discharge.
A person who is the personal representative (executor or administrator) of a deceased person uses this form to transmit title into their name.
An individual signing as an attorney uses this form when it submits a discharge.
Use this form to apply for the Yukon Business Investment Tax Credit.