Condominium Act and Regulations
Learn more about new condominium legislation and the Government of Yukon’s role in regulating condominiums.
Visit the resources page to find fact sheets, answers to common questions and other helpful information.
The Government of Yukon's role
We provide the legislative framework for condominium:
- corporations;
- owners;
- developers; and
- residents.
The Department of Justice is responsible for creating and updating the:
- Condominium Act, 2015;
- Regulations; and
- forms.
Getting legal advice
The Department of Justice does not provide legal advice to the public. Consult a lawyer or real estate professional, as appropriate, who's experienced in condominium transactions to help you understand your rights and obligations as a:
- developer;
- member of a condominium board of directors;
- potential purchaser of a condominium; or
- unit owner.
What is a condominium?
A condominium is a form of real property ownership that has 2 distinct parts:
- you own your condominium unit to which you get a title; and
- you also jointly own common property and other common assets with the other unit owners in your development.
Purchasing a condominium is not the same as renting an apartment. In an apartment, all the responsibilities of running the building are handled by a landlord. In a condominium development, ownership responsibilities belong to you and the other unit owners who are part of your condominium corporation.
Some examples of residential condominium units include:
- apartment-style suites within a low-rise, mid-rise or high-rise building;
- complexes that may contain detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwellings in a bare land condominium complex; or
- a mixture of housing styles.
Non-residential condominiums may be commercial or industrial. These could include shopping malls or retail outlets or recreational complexes such as marinas and resorts.
Mixed-use condominium complexes:
- combine units that have more than 1 function;
- may be built in the style of an apartment; and
- may have retail or commercial units on the ground level or lower levels, with residential units on the upper floors.
What's on this site
- governance;
- finances;
- voting;
- meetings;
- enforcement of bylaws; and
- the collection of monthly fees and special levies to fund condominium corporations, including operations, repair and maintenance.

It’s important that you do not rely on this website as a substitute for getting legal advice.
The information on this website is not a legal interpretation of the Condominium Act, 2015, or its Regulations. The website does not include information about court cases, or how the courts have interpreted provisions of the Act, Regulations or a condominium corporation's bylaws and rules.
We’ll update this website periodically and revise content to clarify information and reflect legislative changes. You’re responsible for how you use the content on this website. If you think the information on this website conflicts with the Act or Regulations, email with the details and references. Include a screen shot or link to the page as these can help us make quick corrections.
On this site we may provide links and references to other resources related to condominium housing. This does not imply that the Government of Yukon endorses those resources.
Land Titles Office's role
The Land Titles Office can provide you with information about:
- the process and documents that must be registered to create a condominium;
- annual filings for condominium corporations; and
- other filing requirements for condominium corporations.
The Land Titles Office cannot:
- provide legal advice;
- help you fill out forms;
- interpret legislation for you; or
- give you advice about your condominium corporation’s bylaws or rules.
Find out more about the Land Titles Office.