The Commissioner of Yukon is the Honourable Adeline Webber. She is the Yukon's 37th Commissioner.

About Honourable Adeline Webber
Adeline Webber is a member of the Kukhhittan Clan of the Teslin Tlingit Nation. Her Tlingit name is Kh’ayade.
Since retiring from the federal public service Adeline has been actively involved in local and national issues. In 2018, she was appointed as Yukon Administrator by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Adeline has a personal interest in documenting the history about her residential school. She led a number of projects which include:
- the book Finding Our Faces;
- planned and organized a former student reunion; and
- erected a permanent monument in Whitehorse, Yukon.
The book of photographs and stories are envisioned to shine a light on the gaps of this memory in order to bring back harmony to families and communities.
In September 2021 she was appointed as the chair of the Yukon Residential Schools and Missing Children Working Group. The work over the next few years involves research of historical and contemporary data and knowledge encompassing the search for children who went missing from numerous Yukon residential schools as well as commemorations and memorial projects.
The Commissioner's role
The Commissioner is appointed by the Government of Canada. They are an important figure in the legislature and the Government of Yukon.
The Commissioner is responsible for:
- ensuring that the Yukon has a Premier in the case of resignation or death or if the government resigns following a defeat in the legislature or in an election;
- ensuring continuity of government and maintaining democratic freedoms;
- swearing-in Members of the Yukon Legislative Assembly;
- delivering the Speech from the Throne at the opening of each legislative session;
- summoning, proroguing and dissolving the legislature;
- providing assent to bills passed by the Yukon Legislative Assembly, enabling them to become law;
- signing Orders-in-Council, Commissioner’s warrants, statutory appointments and dispositions of Commissioner’s lands on the advice of Cabinet; and
- representing the interests of the Yukon’s people by attending official functions, community and social events and handing out honours and awards.
Commissioners past

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