The government's Better to Know website is all about empowering youth with sexual health information.
The Better to Know website has been live for close to 10 years. It is the government's main online resource on the topic of sexual health.
The SART website has been live for around four years.
"What we're working on" are quarterly blog posts written by eServices for Citizens in partnership with government project teams. We work together to deliver public-facing digital services and websites and partner on these updates.
Yukon’s open government portal launched in 2019, and has been growing ever since.
As the Government of Yukon's user experience (UX) manager I spend a lot of time immersing myself in user feedback.
The final piece of UX work our vendor completed on their assessment of was a series of usability test/user interviews.
This piece of user research was part of a larger UX project on
The second piece of user research conducted as part of the assessment project was a cross jurisdictional comparison.
This work was completed as part of an overall assesment of - the government's main website.