Alaska Highway safety improvements through Whitehorse
The Government of Yukon has been working to upgrade the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse. We’re doing this to address safety issues for vehicles and active transportation users.
These improvements are part of a multi-year project to upgrade the busiest and more central sections of the corridor according to safety and traffic priorities and then expanding outward.
Learn more about the:
- planned improvements to the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse; and
- upgrades we’ve completed.
What's happening?
Vegetation clearing
Crews will be clearing vegetation off the side of the Alaska Highway between:
- Lodgepole Lane; and
- Birch Street.
This will improve sightlines on this section of the highway, increasing the safety and visibility of all road users. Your commute will not be impacted while work is happening.
Multi-use trail initiative
We’re in the process of improving and better supporting active transportation in the City of Whitehorse. To do that, we’re developing a multi-use trail plan with the goal of creating a continuous, separated multi-use trail along the Alaska Highway extending from:
- the Carcross Cut-Off to
- the North Klondike Highway
We’ll be prioritizing the section of highway between Two Mile Hill and Porter Creek, first. Learn more.
Road safety review
We recently completed a comprehensive road safety review of the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse. This review will guide the safety improvements for the coming years, ensuring they are both effective and forward-thinking. They will also shape our plans for future intersections.

Upcoming upgrades
Upgrading key intersections
Over the next several years, we will be working to upgrade 2 major gateway intersections along the Alaska Highway in Whitehorse:
- Robert Service Way; and
- Two Mile Hill
Robert Service Way
We’re looking at design options for the Alaska Highway and Robert Service Way intersection to:
- make it safer for all users; and
- improve traffic flow during peak times.
We’re considering 2 main options for this intersection. One of these options is to upgrade the intersection, the other is to build a roundabout.
Roundabouts are typically considered when designing upgrades to major intersections. They’re proven to improve traffic and safety by:
- requiring drivers to slow down;
- reducing high-severity collisions;
- making it safer for pedestrians and cyclists to cross; and
- providing continuous traffic flow.
The design options for this intersection are currently under review. Once we select an option, we’ll share more information.
Two Mile Hill
The City of Whitehorse and the Government of Yukon have partnered on the Hamilton Boulevard, Alaska Highway, Range Road, Two Mile Hill intersection (HART) upgrades project.
This joint initiative is focusing on developing designs that will:
- improve the Hamilton Boulevard and Alaska Highway/Two-Mile-Hill Road intersection; and
- the Range Road/Two-Mile Hill Road intersection
with an emphasis on making travelling safer and more efficient for all users.

Robert Service Way to Philmar RV
Once we choose a design option for the Robert Service Way intersection, we’ll plan for safety improvements between Robert Service Way and Philmar RV.
We’ll look at consolidating accesses to the Alaska Highway, which means reducing the number of points of entry to the highway. This makes the highway safer by limiting interactions between:
- slower vehicles turning on or off the highway; and
- faster vehicles travelling along the highway.
View the 2021 conceptual drawings for this project. These drawings may change based on the design option for the Robert Service Way intersection.
Porter Creek and Crestview
In 2022, we shared proposed designs for upgrading the Alaska Highway between Porter Creek and Crestview. After engaging with the public, we’re working to redesign our plans.

Completed upgrades
As of winter 2024, we’ve completed the following projects.
Porter Creek and Crestview
We’ve installed pedestrian-activated crossing lights along the Alaska Highway. They’re located at the existing crosswalks on:
- 15th Avenue; and
- 17th Avenue.
Crossing lights activate when pedestrians push a button. Drivers are then expected to come to a stop in both directions so pedestrians can cross the road.
These are the first flashing pedestrian crossings of this type on the Alaska Highway. Similar flashing crossings are found around Whitehorse.
The crossing lights are operational as of January 2024.
Lodestar Lane to Robert Service
We’ve reconstructed the Alaska Highway near the Whitehorse weigh station between:
- Lodestar Lane; and
- Robert Service Way.
Part of the project included adding permanent pavement markings through the Whitehorse corridor.
This was completed in fall 2023.
Wann Road
We’ve installed an improved traffic light system at the Wann Road intersection. Drivers now have a dedicated signal to turn left from Wann Road onto the Alaska Highway. This makes the intersection safer and improves traffic flow.
This work was completed in fall 2022.
Lodestar Lane to Burns Road
We’ve improved the Alaska Highway between Lodestar Lane and Burns Road. This includes:
- a new frontage road;
- pedestrian-activated traffic signals at Burns Road and Hillcrest Drive; and
- new streetlighting.
Improvements also included a paved multi-use trail. The new trail connects to the existing trail around the airport into downtown and Range Road.
This work was completed in fall 2021.
North Klondike Highway and Cousins Airstrip rest stop
We’ve added new turning lanes to allow a safer access to the:
- North Klondike Highway intersection; and
- Cousins Airstrips rest stop.
We also added new streetlights in this area to improve visibility and sightlines for drivers in dark conditions.
This work was completed in fall 2020.
Range Road intersection
We’ve improved the Range Road intersection by including:
- new traffic lights; and
- a paved multi-use trail.
This work was completed in 2019.
Pioneer RV Park
We’ve built acceleration and deceleration lanes, as well as through lanes near the Pioneer RV Park.
This work was completed in fall 2017.
Carcross Cutoff
We’ve improved the intersection at the Carcross Cutoff by adding acceleration and deceleration lanes. We also built a new frontage road on the north side of the highway to consolidate accesses.
This work was completed in fall 2017.
For more information about the project, email