The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Yukoners affected by 2022 flooding can apply for flood relief
Yukoners affected by this year’s flooding can apply to the 2022 Flood Relief program.
Twelve new affordable homes built in Whitehorse
Local company 45358 Yukon Inc, with support from the Housing Initiative Fund, has completed building 12 new, energy-efficient affordable homes in Whitehorse.

Draft action plan aims to increase housing options and supports for Yukoners
A new draft action plan has been released with key actions that focus on increasing safe and affordable housing options in the Yukon.
Land transferred to the Council of Yukon First Nations for Indigenous women and children’s shelter
The Government of Yukon has transferred land to the Council of Yukon First Nations for an Indigenous women and children’s shelter.
Housing Action Plan progress report for 2019 to 2022 released
The Government of Yukon has released the fourth Housing Action Plan progress report that highlights housing initiatives in the #Yukon from April 2019 to March 2022.
Statement on the Office of the Auditor General of Canada performance audit on the state of housing for vulnerable Yukoners
Ministers of the Yukon Housing Corporation and Health and Social Services issue statement on Office of the Auditor General’s report on the state of housing for vulnerable Yukoners.
New Rapid Housing Initiative project opens in Watson Lake
New triplex in Watson Lake will provide affordable for homes for vulnerable Yukoners.

Grand opening of the Yukon Soaps Company’s new building
The Yukon Soaps Company has opened a new studio space in Mayo that includes affordable homes for Yukoners and a space to build stronger connections to traditions and culture.
Fifth intake of the Housing Initiatives Fund supports 155 new affordable homes in the Yukon
11 shovel-ready projects throughout the territory receive support through the Housing Initiatives Fund.
Macaulay Lodge to be demolished and site redeveloped for housing
The Government of Yukon has awarded a Yukon First Nations business the contract to demolish the Macaulay Lodge site, which will be redeveloped for housing.