The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Putting People First annual report released
Improvements to the health and social system are underway. 53 of the 76 recommendations from Putting People First are operational or in progress.
Government of Yukon and Queer Yukon Society create new health care navigator position
New health care navigator position at Queer Yukon will help 2SLGBTQIA+ Yukoners access safe, equitable and timely health care services.
Government of Yukon hosts Youth Roots: a gathering to promote strategies for substance use prevention among Yukon youth
The Government of Yukon hosted Youth Roots: A Substance Use Prevention Gathering to discuss and promote approaches aimed at preventing or delaying youth substance use.
Charting the Course: Living with and managing COVID-19
The Government of Yukon has released Charting the Course, the next steps for the Yukon’s ongoing response to the pandemic.
New campaigns aim to decrease stigma, increase awareness of substance use supports available in the Yukon
The Government of Yukon has launched two territory-wide public awareness and education campaigns as part of its ongoing response to the Substance Use Health Emergency.
New Centre de Santé Constellation Health Centre opens on November 7
The new Centre de Santé Constellation Health Centre in Whitehorse will open on November 7, 2022.
Government of Yukon and Yukon RCMP team up to launch new Mobile Crisis Response Team
The Government of Yukon and the RCMP launched a new Mobile Crisis Response Team in Whitehorse. Car 867 will respond to calls related to mental health issues and suicide risks.
Traditional food donated to Elders in long-term care
Yukon Stone Outfitters and Mervyn’s Yukon Outfitting have donated more than 900kg of moose and caribou to Elders living in long term care homes.
Local advocate receives Award for Innovation in Mental Health and Addictions Care for the Yukon
Chris Spencer is the Yukon’s recipient of the Council of the Federation Award for Innovation in Mental Health and Addictions Care.
Midwifery Integration Amendments Act receives assent
Registered midwives in the Yukon can now work to their full scope of practice.