The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Statement from the Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Ranade on respiratory illnesses and vaccines
Statement from the Yukon’s Chief Medical Offer of Health on the importance of immunization this respiratory season.
Statement from the Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Ranade on the holidays
Statement from the Yukon’s Chief Medical Offer of Health on the holidays.
Regulatory change enables insurance coverage for Gender-Affirming Care services
Gender-affirming care including tracheal shave, vocal surgery and hair removal is now covered under the Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan.
211 helpline will continue to connect Yukoners to health and social programs and services
211 connects Yukoners with the supports and services they need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
New retention and signing bonuses for Yukon nurses
New bonuses will help sign and retain nurses in the Yukon over the next two years.
Resource released for Yukoners living with post COVID-19 condition
Resource released for Yukoners living with post COVID-19 condition
Long-term care beds coming to Watson Lake
New long-term care beds to be developed within the Watson Lake Community Hospital.
Bursaries support 13 Yukoners’ education in health care
Medical bursaries support 13 students to attend post-secondary education in health care fields.
Monkeypox vaccine available for eligible Yukoners
The monkeypox (MPOX) vaccine is available for eligible Yukoners at Whitehorse, Dawson City and Watson Lake Health Centres during normal operating hours.
Yukoners 12+ now eligible for another COVID-19 booster
Yukoners 12+ are now eligible for another COVID-19 booster, regardless of the number of boosters previously received.