The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Joint Statement from Minister of Health and Social Services and Chief Medical Officer of Health in response to Chief Coroner update
Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee and Chief Medical Officer of Health Sudit Ranade address the toxic drug supply and life-saving measures.
Government of Yukon continues to support youth wellness through the Youth Roots: Photovoice project
The Youth Roots: Photovoice project is open for viewing at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre.
Precautionary boil water advisory lifted for residents of the Village of Carmacks and Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation with private wells
A precautionary boil water advisory has been lifted for residents of the Village of Carmacks and Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation who use private wells.
Government of Yukon makes new recommendations for COVID-19 boosters this spring
The Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health has released new recommendations for spring COVID-19 boosters.
Yukon child welfare practices shift towards extended family care
More Yukon children and youth are now staying with extended families instead of being placed with community caregivers.
The Government of Yukon provides $808,000 in inflation relief to recipients of the Yukon Seniors Income Supplement
Recipients of the Yukon Seniors Income Supplement will receive temporary inflation relief starting this month.
Statement from Minister of Health and Social Services and Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee, following her meetings with Minister Carolyn Bennett
Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee has released a statement following her meetings with Minister Carolyn Bennett.
Yukon pharmacists now able to prescribe and administer vaccines
Yukon pharmacists can now prescribe and administer vaccines.
Government of Yukon continues to make progress on integrating health services
Yukon Emergency Medical Services (EMS) has transitioned to the Department of Health and Social Services.
Yukon government enhances public drug plan with biosimilars
The Yukon’s biosimilar initiative will increase accessibility to safe and affordable medication while supporting the sustainability of the Yukon’s public drug plan.