The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Government of Yukon issues special warrant to meet critical funding needs
Government of Yukon issues special warrant to meet critical funding needs.
New taxation agreement on vaping products to take effect January 1, 2025
The Coordinated Vaping Product Taxation Agreement, designed to help decrease vaping rates among youth, takes effect January 1, 2025.
Government of Yukon secures increase to its borrowing limit
The Government of Yukon’s borrowing limit has increased to allow for greater financial flexibility and long-term sustainability.
Government of Yukon developing tax credit for fertility treatment
The Government of Yukon is developing a tax credit for fertility and surrogacy treatments to take effect in 2025.
Government of Yukon receives highest grade in Canada in report on fiscal transparency
The Government of Yukon receives highest grade in the country from the C.D. Howe Institute’s 2024 report on fiscal transparency.
Government of Yukon introduces 2023–24 Public Accounts to the Legislative Assembly
The Government of Yukon tabled the 2023–24 Public Accounts in the Legislative Assembly.
Supplementary Estimates address health care needs and emergency response in the Yukon, while maintaining surplus position
Minister of Finance Sandy Silver tabled the 2024–25 Supplementary Estimates No. 1 which ensures a high standard of health care delivery and responds to environmental emergencies.
S&P Global Ratings reaffirms ‘AA Stable’ credit rating for 15th consecutive year
Global rating agency affirms the Yukon’s “AA Stable” credit rating.
Statement from Minister of Finance Sandy Silver on federal Budget 2024
Minister of Finance Sandy Silver comments on initiatives outlined in the 2024 federal budget, tabled yesterday in the House of Commons.
Coordinated Vaping Product Taxation Agreement Act receives assent
Bill no. 35 paves the way for the Yukon to join the federal vaping tax framework, which aims to reduce use of vaping products.