The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Government of Yukon invites public feedback on new Animal Protection and Control Act regulations
The Government of Yukon is seeking feedback from Yukoners to help inform the development of the new animal protection regulations.
Statement from Minister Clarke on World Environment Day
Statement from Minister Clarke on World Environment Day.

Brush up on bear awareness this spring
Bears are active again – keep safety in mind for your sake and for theirs.
May snow survey shows snowpack is well above average for most of the Yukon
The Government of Yukon has released the May 1 Yukon Snow Survey Bulletin and Water Supply Forecast.
Government of Yukon supports park planning by establishing new protections for the McIntyre Creek area
The Government of Yukon has established new protections in the McIntyre Creek area to support the City of Whitehorse’s work to create Chasàn Chuà / McIntyre Creek park.

April snow survey shows snowpack is average across most of the southern Yukon, above average in the North
The Government of Yukon has released the April 1 Yukon Snow Survey Bulletin and Water Supply Forecast.
Moose Permit Hunt Authorizations doubled in the Sifton-Miners Range Moose Management Unit for the 2023-24 hunting season
Moose permits for the Sifton Miner’s Range Moose Management Unit have doubled.
What We Heard report released on modernizing Yukon park and campground regulations
What We Heard report released on modernizing regulations for Yukon territorial parks and campgrounds.
March snow survey shows snowpack is average across most of southern Yukon, above average in the North
The Government of Yukon has released the March 1 Yukon Snow Survey Bulletin and Water Supply Forecast.
A Policy for the Stewardship of Yukon’s Wetlands released
The territory’s new wetlands stewardship policy is a high-level guide that will support environmental and socio-economic assessment, regulatory approval and licensing, and land-use