The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
New Conservation and Action Plan released for Aishihik bison population
This new collaborative plan articulates a longer-term vision and recommendations for conservation and management of the Aishihik bison population.
Government of Yukon releases final flood hazard maps for Teslin and What We Heard report on Teslin Flood Hazard Maps Engagement
The Government of Yukon has released the final flood hazard maps for Teslin.
2024 summer camping season ends, and progress continues on Yukon Parks Strategy
The Government of Yukon wraps up the 2024 summer camping season and reports progress on the implementation of the Yukon Parks Strategy.
Government of Yukon welcomes public feedback on proposed amendments to the Air Emissions Regulations
Yukoners can visit to review the government’s proposed amendments and to submit their feedback.
Government of Yukon provides update on water, fish and mammal monitoring offsite of Victoria Gold’s Eagle Gold Mine
Government of Yukon provides update on water, fish and mammal monitoring offsite of Victoria Gold’s Eagle Gold Mine.
Updated requirements for Canadian dogs entering the United States
The CDC requirements for dogs entering the US from Canada after August 1, 2024, reflect that Canada is not a high-risk for the canine strain of rabies virus.
Sheep hunting closure in Game Management Subzone 5–17 to conserve sheep in southwest Yukon starting August 1, 2024
To support sheep population recovery licensed hunters are prohibited from harvesting sheep in Game Management Subzone 5-17, the Donjek Sheep Management Unit.

New Indigenous-led conservation area in the Yukon protects wildlife, habitat and Inuvialuit culture and identity
The Government of Yukon, the Government of Canada and Inuvialuit Parties have signed a conservation agreement to ensure conservation of the Yukon’s Eastern North Slope.

Government of Yukon releases flood maps for Southern Lakes area and Carmacks, seeks feedback on Teslin maps
The Government of Yukon has released flood hazard maps for the Southern Lakes area and Carmacks.
Successful restoration of a historic mining site achieved through collaboration
Successful restoration of historic mining site within the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council Settlement Land achieved through collaboration.