The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Government of Yukon releases What We Heard report on review of Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
The Government of Yukon publishes a What We Heard report on feedback from the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act review.
Statement from the Government of Yukon on the death of Alberta firefighter in Jasper
The Government of Yukon and Wildland Fire Management send condolences to Alberta after the death of an Alberta Wildfire crew member in Jasper on August 3.
Yukon firefighters and aircraft supporting Alberta and British Columbia wildfire response
The Government of Yukon dispatched wildland fire personnel to support wildfire response operations in Alberta and British Columbia.
The Government of Yukon advances territory-wide Regional Waste Service model in rural Yukon
New household waste disposal options to be implemented in Braeburn, Johnson’s Crossing and Silver City.
Statement from the Government of Yukon on the death of Northwest Territories wildfire pilot
The Government of Yukon and Wildland Fire Management send our deepest condolences to the NWT today after the death of a helicopter pilot fighting wildfire in Fort Good Hope.
Contract awarded for conceptual design of the Dawson recreation centre
The contract for the conceptual design of the Dawson recreation centre is awarded to Wildstone Construction & Engineering Ltd.
Residential development feasibility studies underway for Whitehorse North and South Growth Areas
Residential development feasibility studies underway for Whitehorse North and South Growth Areas.
Yukon Public Libraries launches new website
Yukon Public Libraries has upgraded to a new, modern website.
What We Heard report released on household waste disposal options
The Government of Yukon has released a What We Heard report following engagement about waste transfer stations with residents in Braeburn, Keno, Johnson’s Crossing and Silver City.
Government of Yukon shares updated wildfire outlook
The Government of Yukon provided an update on the seasonal wildfire outlook. With wildfire season beginning, be prepared for any emergency by making an emergency plan and kit.