Nominate a miner for an award in environmental stewardship

We give the Robert E. Leckie Awards to miners for:

  • socially responsible practices;
  • environmental stewardship; and
  • leadership in innovation.

We give up to 3 awards per year.

The terms of reference provides the full scope of the awards.

Learn more about the Robert E. Leckie Awards in this video on YouTube

Who can nominate someone?

Any person, company or organization can make a nomination.

Project criteria

The nominee must have completed the work they are nominated for in the current year or in the past 3 years.

Who and what work are eligible

  • Work in the Yukon.
  • Individual mine operators and mining companies.

The same project or initiative may be nominated more than once.

A project is defined by:

  • location;
  • time frame;
  • specified activities; and
  • operator.

Who is not eligible

Neither the Government of Yukon nor any of its projects are eligible.

Nomination deadline

October 17, 2025.

Prepare your nomination

In a single package, include the following:

  • a brief description of the nominator and their relationship to the project;
  • a general overview of the project;
  • the location of the claim block including map and coordinates;
  • contact information (name, address, telephone number and email address) for the nominee;
  • reasons why the operator or company should be considered for the award;
  • details of the work that was completed:
    • methods used;
    • level of effort;
    • time required; and
    • costs.
  • when the work was completed;
  • commentary on the end results;
  • photographs or video demonstrating the work cited; 
  • photographs taken before and after the work was done; and
  • support letters from partners, if applicable.

Submit your nomination


How are winners selected?

  • An award can only be given once in the lifetime of a project.
  • The selection committee makes its choices based on quality of work and not quantity of work.

A selection committee includes the:

  • Yukon Chamber of Mines;
  • Klondike Placer Miners' Association;
  • Council of Yukon First Nations; and
  • Government of Yukon.

The committee meets once a year to select winners.

We invite award recipients to accept their awards at the annual Yukon Geoscience Forum.

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