Travel expense report for the 2023 North American Indigenous Games, July 14 to July 17, 2023


Halifax, Nova Scotia



Purpose of the trip

Minister McLean joined the Team Yukon delegation during the opening ceremonies. She met with federal, provincial and territorial counterparts along with Indigenous leaders from across North America. Discussions centred around shared priorities in developing and supporting athletes. Her Ministerial Advisor, Paolo Gallina, accompanied her in these meetings.


  • Jean McLean, Deputy Premier and Minister of Education
  • Paolo Gallina,  Ministerial Advisor

Total travel expenditures for participants

Airfare: $4,183.50
Accommodation: $1,470.96
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $788.20

Total costs for this trip: $6,442.68

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister Jean McLean July 14 to July 17

Airfare: $1,521.25
Accommodation: $735.48
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $394.10

Total costs for this trip: $2,650.85

Paolo Gallina July 14 to July 17

Airfare: $2,662.25
Accommodation: $735.48
Other, such as per diems and taxi fares: $394.10

Total costs for this trip: $3,791.83

Find more Minister travel expense reports.

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