The Pioneer Utility Grant (PUG) assists Yukon seniors with the cost of heating their homes regardless of whether they own or rent. Seniors who are living in social housing or in getting a rental subsidy are not eligible for the grant. Heating can be oil, electricity, wood, propane or wood pellets.
Yukoners must apply every year.
You can learn more by reading the Pioneer Utility Grant Act and the Pioneer Utility Grant Regulation.
Maximum payable base rate
The 2023 maximum grant payable (before income testing) is:
- $1,314.40 if you live within Whitehorse city limits; and
- $1,398.32 if you live outside Whitehorse city limits.
We base the grant on income, marital status and residential address. So, everyone’s grant amount is different.
Your Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment determines your income. The grant amount is based on your net income. Applicants whose net income exceed the following amounts will not be eligible for the grant. Your income cannot exceed:
- $148,900 if you are a single person; or
- $210,000 if you are married or common-law.
Pioneer utility grant calculator
You can estimate your grant amount before applying by using the pioneer utility grant calculator.
Address changes
To report an address change, phone the Pioneer Utility Grant helpline at 867-667-5674, or toll free in the Yukon at 1-800-661-0408 extension 5674.
Who can apply for this funding?
- Yukon seniors who are 65 or older in the year of the grant.
- A Canadian citizen or permanent resident who has lived in Yukon for a minimum of 12 months.
- Yukoners who live in the Yukon a minimum of 183 days every year.
- 3 months of the 183 days must be during the winter months defined as January, February, March, October, November and December.
Yukoners on an extended vacation during the first 6 months of the year must delay submitting their application. For example, if you travel south on vacation for the entire month of February, you cannot apply until November 1. You would need January, March and October to count as your winter months.
Application deadline
Applications are accepted between July 1 and December 31. Incomplete applications or applications received after December 31 will not be accepted.
Before you apply
Your application includes several supporting documents., including:
- photocopy of your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) notice of assessment as proof of annual income;
- pages that show your name and line 236;
- black out your social insurance number at the top of the notice and all other lines, except for line 236;
- notice of assessment(NOA) for your spouse, even if they are under the age of 65. If you do not have a copy of your NOA you can complete the consent to release of information form and the PUG program will obtain that information for you.
Home owner documentation includes:
- a copy of your 2024 Property Assessment Notice;
- either the green Government of Yukon form or a property assessment statement stamped by Community Services; or
- a municipal water and sewer bill if it clearly identifies your physical address.
Rent or lease documentation includes:
- a Certificate of Tenancy form prepared signed by your landlord.
Apply for a pioneer utility grant
- Review the information for Yukon seniors, Elders and services providers.
- Complete the Pioneer Utility Grant application form.
- Submit your application.
In person: From July 1 to December 31 at the Income Support Unit at 3168 – 3rd Avenue in Whitehorse or one of our Regional Services Offices in the communities
Pioneer Utility Grant (PUG) (H-4)
Health and Social Services, Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
When can I expect to receive the payment?
If your application package is complete, you can expect your pioneer utility grant within 30 working days.
Related information
Calculate funding for senior's home-heating with the pioneer utility grant (PUG) calculator
Pioneer utility grant (PUG) frequently asked questions
Apply for a low-income senior's income supplement
For questions about applying for the Pioneer Utility Grant (PUG) phone the helpline at 867-667-5674, call toll-free at 1-800-661-0408, extension 5674, or email