The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Government of Yukon partners on new food security research project
The project will provide the Government of Yukon with actionable information about food security and the impact of climate change.
September 22, 2021: COVID-19 case count update
The acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott reports 13 new cases of COVID-19 from noon on Monday, September 20 to noon Wednesday, September 22.
September 20, 2021: COVID-19 case count update
The acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott reports 12 new cases of COVID-19 from noon, Friday, September 17, to noon Monday, September 20.
COVID-19 outbreak declared in Grade 4 class at Johnson Elementary School in Watson Lake
The class is currently isolating as per direction from Yukon Communicable Disease Control.
September 17, 2021: COVID-19 case count update
The acting Chief Medical Officer of Health has reported four new cases of COVID-19 since Wednesday; public exposure notice issued for two grades in Watson Lake elementary school.
Third doses of COVID-19 vaccine to be available for a select group of immunocompromised Yukoners
Third dose of COVID-19 vaccine available for a limited group of Yukoners beginning September 20.
September 16, 2021: public exposure notifications
The Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott has issued COVID-19 public exposure notices.
September 15, 2021: COVID-19 case count update
The acting Chief Medical Officer of Health has reported six new cases of COVID-19 since Monday and has issued a public exposure notice for a Watson Lake day care.
September 14, 2021: public exposure notification
The Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott has issued a COVID-19 public exposure notice.
September 13, 2021: COVID-19 case count update
The acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott has reported six new cases of COVID-19 since Friday.