The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
2020 Arctic Winter Games Cancelled
Following a recommendation from the Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Whitehorse 2020 Arctic Winter Games have been cancelled.
2020 spring sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly to begin
The 2020 spring sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly is set to begin at 1 p.m. on Thursday, March 5, 2020.
Government of Yukon releases 2019–20 Performance Plan update
The Performance Plan provides a yearly update into what the government is doing to advance wellbeing and improve the lives of Yukoners.
Government of Yukon and Yukon First Nations meet for First Yukon Forum of 2020
The Premier, Ministers and Chiefs received an update from the Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG and reflected on the progress of Yukon Forum and how to further elevate it.

Statement from Premier Sandy Silver regarding the passing of Elder Pearl Keenan
Premier Sandy Silver issued the following statement about the passing of Elder Pearl Keenan.
Commissioner of Yukon to present new literary prize
The BC and Yukon Book Prizes and the Office of the Commissioner announce a new, annual literary prize for the Yukon writing and publishing community.
Commissioner of Yukon one of 10 most influential personalities in Canadian Francophone community
The Commissioner of Yukon, Angélique Bernard, has been named one of the 10 most influential personalities in the Canadian Francophone community outside of Quebec.

Public engagement on seasonal time change launches
The Government of Yukon is asking Yukoners how time should be observed in the territory.
$51,000 awarded to support marginalized youth
The Government of Yukon awarded funding to 15 groups for projects to support marginalized youth.