The latest news from the Government of Yukon. View news releases from 2009 to 2017 in our news archive.
Apprenticeship Excellence Awards celebrates graduates in trades
This year’s awards celebrated the graduations of 141 apprentices, representing 22 different trades.

Government of Yukon begins review of Child Care Act
Public engagement will begin November 27 to inform changes to the Act.
What We Heard report available for Whitehorse schools capital planning engagement
Results of public engagement on Whitehorse schools capital planning are now available in a What We Heard report.
School board celebrates taking on the operation of francophone early learning and child care centre
After more than three decades, the Garderie du petit cheval blanc comes under the governance of the Commission Scolaire Francophone du Yukon (CSFY).
Statement from Minister McLean on the one-year progress report to the Yukon Child and Youth Advocate Office
The Government of Yukon provides a progress update to the Yukon Child and Youth Advocate.
Statement from Minister McLean on World Teachers’ Day
Minister of Education Jeanie McLean has issued a statement on World Teachers’ Day.
Government of Yukon shares literacy and numeracy strategies for Yukon Education schools
Literacy skills are a key component of student success, the Government of Yukon is committed to improving literacy and numeracy proficiencies for students in all our communities.
Statement from Minister of Education on the Yukon Ombudsman’s report on their Hidden Valley investigation
The Government of Yukon accepts the conclusions of the Yukon Ombudsman report.
Statement from Premier Pillai and Minister of Education Jeanie McLean on the start of the fall 2023 semester at Yukon University
Premier Pillai and Minister of Education McLean welcome students to Yukon University for the 2023-2024 school year.
Statement from Premier Pillai and Minister of Education Jeanie McLean on back to school
Premier Pillai and Minister of Education Jeanie McLean wish students and teachers a happy return to school.