Yukon’s wildfire resources exported to British Columbia

On August 15, the Government of Yukon sent resources to British Columbia to assist with the province’s wildfire situation. This assistance was requested through the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre. The British Columbia government declared a province-wide state of emergency yesterday in response to the ongoing wildfire situation.

Twenty-seven Wildland Fire Management staff have been sent, including 20 initial attack firefighters, a strike team leader and an ignition specialist. An ignition trailer and a truck that pumps water were also sent. Resources will be stationed throughout British Columbia according to needs identified by the British Columbia Wildfire Service.

Resources became available as fire activity in parts of the territory has decreased. Should the fire situation change locally, the government can bring resources back to the Yukon within 24 hours. 

Our fire crews have done a great job protecting the Yukon. We are now in a position where we can send help to other jurisdictions in Canada that need it, including our neighbours in British Columbia. They have helped the Yukon in the past we are happy to help them now.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker 

Quick facts
  • The Government of Yukon is a member of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.

  • When jurisdictions need additional resources, they put in a request through this national organization.

  • Jurisdictions that are able to provide those extra resources will do so through the Mutual Aid Resource Sharing (MARS) Agreement.

Media contact

Breagha Fraser
Fire and Public Information Officer, Community Services

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