The Yukon’s Supervised Consumption Site can now support inhalation

Upgrades to the Supervised Consumption Site to accommodate inhalation (smoking) as a method of drug consumption are now complete. Renovations to the ventilation system included upgrading the HVAC system and the installation of an additional window and door.

A new room was added to the facility to support inhalation and the site can now offer inhalation, oral, intranasal and injection methods of consumption. The Yukon’s Supervised Consumption Site is one of the first indoor facilities in Canada to support inhalation as a way to help reduce harm amongst people that use drugs.

The expansion of the site was completed with support from Mental Wellness and Substance Use Services, Blood Ties Four Directions and the Department of Highways and Public Works.

The Supervised Consumption Site, located at 6189 6th Avenue in Whitehorse, provides people with access to a wide range of harm reduction and social supports including drug testing, access to naloxone, harm reduction equipment distribution and disposal, medical care, supportive listening and training in safer use practices.

Referrals to social, health and mental wellness and substance use supports are also available.

The Supervised Consumption Site is a critical harm reduction service and part of our response to the Substance Use Health Emergency declared by our government in January 2022. The site provides an avenue for people who use drugs to use them safely and in the presence of a health care professional, and can now support inhalation as a method of consumption. Thank you to Blood Ties Four Directions for their critical work in supporting our communities and protecting the health and safety of Yukoners who use substances.  

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

Every drug poisoning death is a preventable death and robs our community of loved ones. Allowing for supervised inhalation drug use is a critical step in the fight against the opioid crisis. I’m so glad to see this service finally be available to Yukoners who use drugs and I look forward to continued expansion of harm reduction services to rural communities.

MLA for Vuntut Gwitchin Annie Blake

Inhalation is one of the most common methods of consumption in the territory and it’s incredibly important that we provide services that are reflective of our community and responsive to our community's needs. We know that supervised consumption sites save lives and we are so glad that our site will now be able to support more modes of consumption. We are looking forward to welcoming people into the space.

Executive Director of Blood Ties Four Directions Centre Brontë Renwick-Shields

Quick facts
  • The supervised consumption site opened on September 29, 2021.

  • The Government of Yukon is able to offer supervised consumption services under the federal government’s Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. 

  • The supervised consumption site is an element of the Confidence and Supply Agreement supported by both the Yukon Liberal caucus and the Yukon NDP caucus.

  • Supervised consumption sites do not provide substances for people to use. Supervised consumption sites provide a safe place for people who use drugs to consume illicit substances in the presence of trained health professionals.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Carleen Kerr
Director of Communications, Health and Social Services


Dan Bader
Acting Chief of Staff, Yukon NDP Caucus

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