The Yukon’s first ever creative and cultural industries strategy released

Today, the Government of Yukon released Creative Potential: Advancing the Yukon’s Creative and Cultural Industries, a 10-year strategy to support the growth and development of the creative and cultural industries in the Yukon.

This strategy is the first of its kind for the Yukon. It lays out a long-term vision and 22 actions to help achieve the sector’s full potential. It builds on current government supports and maps out an inclusive, collaborative plan that offers a solid foundation from which creative and cultural activity can flourish, honours commitments to reconciliation and propels the sector further on national and global stages.

Creative and cultural industries have been severely impacted by COVID-19 restrictions. Ten actions have been prioritized for Phase 1 implementation in the first three years that will provide the greatest support for the sector as it continues addressing pandemic impacts and begins initial recovery. The following Phase 1 actions are aimed at supporting the sector to build digital capacity, reach new markets and increase training opportunities, as well as contribute to employment and income.

Phase 1 actions:

  • modernize and streamline existing funding supports;
  • explore options to update branding and promotion for the Yukon’s creative and cultural industries;
  • develop marketing and export strategies targeted to each industry;
  • establish a dedicated sector-specific funding program;
  • create a micro-grant program;
  • create a new career advancement funding program;
  • develop a Yukon Cultural Centres and Museums Policy;
  • build industry understanding of complex issues such as rights, royalties and copyright;
  • continue labour market supports to enable access to sector-specific training; and
  • establish baseline data to regularly measure, monitor and report on the economic and social impacts of the sector.

A total of $1.05 million has been allocated for Phase 1 implementation. This does not include the dollar amounts for the three new funding programs, which will be developed and implemented for delivery in 2023–24.

After Phase 1 is complete, a review and evaluation will determine the next phase of implementation and associated funding.

We understand the creative and cultural industries have been challenged and deeply impacted by the pandemic. The actions in this strategy are aimed at stimulating growth over the next decade and beyond. The Yukon’s creative and cultural sector will play an important role in the recovery of the Yukon’s economy and in the restoration of well-being throughout the territory.

Minister of Economic Development and Tourism and Culture Ranj Pillai

This strategy is long overdue, and we are excited by the opportunities and possibilities it presents for the creative and cultural industries. It’s linkages with other government strategies and YFNCT strategies will ensure that cultural tourism in the Yukon advances in a coordinated and collaborative way. As the sector continues to deal with the pandemic the priority actions will help us emerge and set a path for a strong future and a new era of creative and cultural industries achievement and expression for the Yukon.

Executive Director of the Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association (YFNCT) Charlene Alexander

Quick facts
  • The strategy’s actions are based on feedback and direction from industry participants gathered during multiple rounds of engagement in 2019 and 2020.

  • The Creative and Cultural Industries are a subset of culture that focus on the creation, production, promotion, distribution and commercialization of cultural goods. Industries include: sound recording; music publishing; book publishing; film; interactive digital; craft; and visual arts, as well as the associated labour force and institutions.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Government of Yukon

Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development
867- 667-5378 

Alicia Debreceni
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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