Yukoner receives national award for contribution to emergency management

Public Safety Canada presented an Emergency Management Exemplary Service Award to Michael Smith for outstanding contributions to emergency management at a ceremony in Ottawa on May 24.

Smith, as the meteorologist with Yukon’s Wildland Fire Management branch, contributes professionally to emergency management in the territory. As a volunteer, he also strengthens Yukon’s readiness for emergencies through his involvement with the Special Operations Medical Extrication Team (SOMET), City of Whitehorse Fire Department and Avalanche Canada.

The Emergency Management Exemplary Service Award, delivered collaboratively by provincial, territorial and federal governments, is awarded to individuals or groups that have distinguished themselves through exemplary actions and contributions to advancing emergency management. This is the first year for the awards.

Michael Smith’s job is to forecast the weather leading up to and during wildfires – which is a critical role. Then on his days off he volunteers with fire crews. On top of that he was an original member and continues to volunteer with SOMET, which has been instrumental in saving lives in the back country. He is a deserving recipient of this prestigious new award.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Amanda Couch
Communications, Community Services

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