Yukon University legislation feedback released

This summer, Yukoners shared their thoughts on new legislation that will support transitioning Yukon College to become Yukon University. The Government of Yukon asked the public for feedback on key aspects of the legislation, including the mandate for Yukon University, accountability indicators, government oversight of the university, the governance model for the university and program delivery in the communities. More than 350 participants completed the public survey.

The Government of Yukon has considered the feedback from the public alongside feedback from Yukon First Nations governments, municipal governments and other partners while drafting the legislation. 

A What We Heard document with a summary of survey results and comments is now available on engageyukon.ca.

Thank you to everyone who participated and provided their comments and ideas on the legislation being developed for Yukon University. The feedback we’ve received has helped to guide the legislation in a direction that will ensure Yukon University is a hybrid university that is positioned to meet the diverse educational needs of all Yukoners.

Minister of Education Tracy-Anne McPhee

Quick facts
  • Yukoners shared their thoughts on new legislation that will provide the legal framework for a university designation from May 15 to June 30, 2019. 

  • Yukon University will be a hybrid institution that continues to deliver college programming such as trades, adult basic education and second language support, along with new university-level degree programs.   

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Kyle Nightingale
Communications, Department of Education

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