The Government of Yukon has endorsed the recommendations from the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy Governance Task Force.
The task force presented their report to government on August 29. In the report they make three recommendations:
- Enhance Yukon’s current tourism governance model by establishing an appointed body of tourism representatives to advise the Minister of Tourism and Culture.
- Rename the Tourism branch, Department of Tourism and Culture to better reflect its role and profile as a destination management organization.
- Make administrative improvements in the department to enhance flexibility, responsiveness and efficiency while maintaining accountability.
The advisory body will establish a formal channel for the various values and viewpoints related to tourism to be heard by government. This made-in-Yukon governance model supports increased collaboration and alignment between government, the private sector and other tourism industry stakeholders.
Members of this new advisory body will be solicited through the Government of Yukon’s Boards and Committees appointment process with an effective date of April 1, 2020.
Renaming of the Tourism branch and a review of administrative processes will occur over the coming months.
I would like to thank the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy Governance Task Force for their comprehensive review of tourism governance models and their thoughtful and prudent recommendations. We are accepting these recommendations and I look forward to collaborating and working with a broader spectrum of expertise through this new advisory body. Together we will achieve the goals of a thriving, sustainable tourism economy.
Yukon is a special gift and we are very proud to share it with visitors. Our recommendations will ensure future tourism development is balanced and sustainable and meant to bring new voices and perspectives to guide tourism governance. Thank you to the other task force members for their time and expertise and to Minister Dendys for the opportunity to chair the task force.
A seven-member Task Force was formed in March 2019 with a mandate to assess tourism destination governance models against a set of eight criteria based on their ability to achieve the vision, goals and values of the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy.
The completion of the report by the task force concludes and completes one of the seven priority actions identified and endorsed in the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy.
Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications
Alicia Debreceni
Communications, Tourism and Culture