The Yukon Advisory Committee on MMIWG2S+ has released Changing the Story to Upholding Dignity and Justice: Yukon’s MMIWG2S+ Strategy, with a signing ceremony for contributors and partners. The event took place in Whitehorse at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre. Participants from all 14 Yukon First Nations as well as municipal, territorial and federal governments took part in person and online to confirm their commitment to ending violence and changing the story for Indigenous women, girls and Two-spirit+ people in Yukon. The Yukon's MMIWG2S+ Strategy groups 31 priority actions under four paths and takes a Yukon approach, encouraging all Yukoners to see themselves as part of the solution.
Today is a historic day. I am so proud of this strategy and of the work that got it to this day. This is a starting place, and we still have much work to do, but the family members, advocates, leaders and members of the Yukon Advisory Committee should take a moment to reflect on this incredible accomplishment.
It was an honour and an inspiration to watch signatories from across all four levels of government – First Nation, federal, territorial and municipal – come together today to make a commitment to end violence against Indigenous women, girls and Two-spirit+ people. I am confident that moving forward together, we can make a real difference.
All of the advocates, family members, and survivors that have fought so hard for so long should see today as an important step forward in restoring dignity and justice for Indigenous women, girls, and Two-spirit+ people. Thank you for your guidance and your strength over the years – nothing about this work has been easy, but your tireless work and commitment is the reason we are here today.
The National Inquiry released its final report containing 231 Calls for Justice on June 3, 2019.
In response to the Final Report, the Yukon Advisory Committee (YAC) on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-spirit+ people (MMIWG2S+) identified Yukon priority actions develop the Yukon Strategy on MMIWG2S+, grouped under four paths: Strengthening Connections and Supports; Community Safety and Justice; Economic Independence and Education; Community Action and Accountability.
The YAC was created in the spring of 2015 to guide and support the first Yukon Regional Roundtable on MMIWG2S+ and to connect the work of the National Inquiry in Yukon to families of MMIWG2S+, and Indigenous survivors, experts, and communities.
The YAC is Co-Chaired by the Minister responsible for the Women’s Directorate Jeanie McLean representing Government of Yukon; Chief of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation Doris Bill representing Yukon First Nations; and Executive Director of the Liard Aboriginal Women’s Society Ann Maje Raider representing Indigenous women’s organizations. It also includes representatives from all three Yukon Indigenous women’s organizations, family members and survivors, LGBTQ2S+ community, and ex-officio representatives from RCMP and Government of Canada.
Delegates from all 14 Yukon First Nations, federal, territorial and municipal governments signed a declaration to end violence against Indigenous women, girls and Two-spirit+ people.
This Strategy will guide the development of an implementation plan outlining detailed action required, including who will lead and contribute to each action item, over the next 10 to 15 years and beyond.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
Alex Hill
Communications, Women’s Directorate