Yukon sport and recreation groups to benefit from $1.4 million in funding

The Government of Yukon, in partnership with the Yukon Lottery Commission and Sport Canada, is proud to support the sport and recreation community with $1.4 million in funding.

This annual funding supports the operation of sport governing bodies, such as Athletics Yukon and Hockey Yukon, and special recreation groups, like Girl Guides and Scouts. This year, 28 sport organizations and 5 special recreation groups will receive financial support through the Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee program. Meanwhile, 26 sport organizations will receive grants through the Yukon Sport 4 Life program.  

Funding is also distributed to individual athletes and coaches who have shown a high degree of performance in their sport. This year, 32 athletes and 2 coaches will receive funding through the High Performance program to help them advance their athletic development and training. Recipients include Emily Nishikawa (cross country skiing), Cassis Lindsay (swimming) and Kyron Crosby (hockey).

Similarly, the Elite Athlete program provides funding support to athletes who are competing at the highest level of their sport and are carded by Sport Canada. This year’s recipients include Nadia Moser (biathlon) and Graham Nishikawa (cross country skiing).

Yukon is home to one of the most vibrant sport and recreation communities in Canada. Sport, recreation, and active living contribute to our quality of life, and help our communities flourish. Whether you’re starting soccer lessons, working towards an Olympic dream, or keeping things nimble with the ElderActive Recreation Association, this funding helps Yukoners in all walks of life, and of all abilities, to develop their skills, compete and have fun.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee funding helps Yukon sport governing bodies and special recreation groups develop and deliver sport and recreation development projects.

  • Yukon Sport 4 life is project-based funding that supports enhanced sport development initiatives.

  • The Yukon High Performance Athlete Assistance Program provides funding for athletes who have demonstrated performance beyond the territorial level with potential for improvement at the provincial, national or international levels.


Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee Funding

Sport groups

Alpine Skiing $24,000
Athletics $10,000
Badminton $10,000
Basketball $40,000
Biathlon $25,000
Canoe & Kayak – Flat Water $18,000
Canoe & Kayak – Whitewater $15,000
Cross Country Skiing $113,000
Curling $15,000
Cycling $12,000
Equine $11,000
Figure Skating $35,000
Freestyle Skiing $28,000
Golf $10,000
Gymnastics $43,000
Hockey $75,000
Judo $30,000
Orienteering $21,000
Shooting $7,500
Snowboarding $25,000
Soccer $98,000
Speed Skating $18,000
Squash $22,000
Swimming $55,000
Synchronized Swimming $18,000
Table Tennis $12,000
Tennis $21,000
Volleyball $48,000
Total $859,500


Special recreation groups

Girl Guides $13,000
Yukon Scout Council $20,100
Skookum Jim Friendship Centre $65,000
ElderActive Recreation Association $38,100
Friends of Mount Sima $31,850
Total $168,050


Yukon Sport 4 Life

Alpine Skiing $13,000
Athletics $6,000
Basketball $23,000
Biathlon $12,000
Canoe & Kayak – Flat Water $16,000
Canoe & Kayak – Whitewater $2,750
Cross Country Skiing $63,500
Curling $5,000
Cycling $7,500
Equine $5,000
Figure Skating $26,500
Freestyle Skiing $23,000
Golf $5,000
Gymnastics $27,500
Hockey $42,000
Judo $16,000
Orienteering $3,000
Snowboarding $15,000
Soccer $49,000
Speed Skating $13,500
Squash $8,850
Swimming $40,000
Synchronized swimming $7,000
Table Tennis $7,500
Tennis $3,400
Volleyball $24,000
Total $465,00


Elite Athlete Funding

Nadia Moser Biathlon $8,500
Dahria Beatty Cross Country Skiing $11,500
Graham Nishikawa Cross Country Skiing $11,500
Jessica Frotten Athletics - Paralympic $11,500
Total   $43,000


High Performance Funding

Etienne Geoffroy-Gagnon Freestyle Skiing $7,000
Natalie Hynes Cross country Skiing $7,000
Emily Nishikawa Cross country Skiing $7,000
Hannah Deuling Cross country Skiing $5,000
Marcus Deuling Cross country Skiing $5,000
Mael Pronovost Canoe & Kayak $4,000
Derek Deuling Cross country Skiing $4,000
Mikayla Kramer Figure Skating $4,000
Amanda Thomson Cross country Skiing $4,000
Jack Amos Athletics $3,000
Kyron Crosby Hockey $3,250
Cassis Lindsay Swimming $3,000
Luanda Pronovost Canoe & Kayak $2,500
Bryce Anderson Hockey $2,750
Joseph Hanson Soccer $3,000
Hannah Kingscote Swimming $3,000
Sasha Masson Cross country Skiing $3,000
Maddie Nicholson Hockey $3,000
Sonjaa Schmidt Cross country Skiing $3,000
Victor-Emile Thibeault Cross country Skiing $3,000
Ethan Davy Snowboarding $3,000
Gavin Mckenna Hockey $2,500
Emily King Gymnastics $2,000
Quinn Howard Volleyball $2,000
Thomas Gishler Swimming $2,000
Alex Petriw Swimming $2,000
Lily Witten Gymnastics $2,000
Tomas Jirousek Rowing $2,000
Micah Taggart-Cox Speed Skating $1,500
Bianca Berko-Malvasio Gymnastics $1,000
Aidan Harvey Swimming $500
Wyatt Kapaniuk Archery $500
Money set aside for individuals attending world championships   $3,000
  Athletics total $103,500
  Officials total $2,500
  Grand total $106,500
Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Diana Dryburgh
Communications, Community Services

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