Yukon Schools and First Nations receive $150,000 for student attendance projects

This is a joint news release with Victoria Gold Student Encouragement Society’s Every Student Every Day attendance initiative.

A total of $150,000 in direct financial support has been awarded to 24 Yukon projects from the Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society’s Every Student, Every Day fund, which has been operating for nine years in the territory.

For the 2021–22 school year, 18 Yukon schools, school councils and First Nations governments will implement 24 projects designed to help assist with student attendance by removing barriers and encouraging increased engagement and a greater sense of belonging at school.

Since its establishment in 2012, Every Student, Every Day has directly supported more than 140 local projects with over $1.2 million, raised primarily from Yukon businesses and individual donations. The Government of Yukon also contributes $30,000 annually, along with administrative support to coordinate with schools, Yukon First Nations governments, communities and non-governmental organizations.

A complete list of this year’s successfully funded projects is listed below.

With the recent report on high rates of absenteeism from Yukon's Child and Youth Advocate Office and all of the challenges related to learning during a pandemic, focusing on student attendance and engagement is more important than ever. We are proud to partner with the Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society to support the Every Student, Every Day initiative for the past nine years. As we strive as a government to work with all of our education partners to improve outcomes for all students, we know that these community and school-based attendance projects support our work at the grassroots level. Our schools and school communities provide the critical support and encouragement our students need to be motivated to attend classes and ready and able to learn.

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean

We know that one of the most important things Yukon students can do is also one of the most basic; attend school each day and every day. By working together as a community to support regular school attendance, we can all help prepare our children for success, both in school and in life. The Every Student, Every Day team is very proud to work with the Government of Yukon, our private sector and community partners and we extend our congratulations to all the successful applicants in their work to help remove barriers to regular attendance.

Victoria Gold Yukon Encouragement Society President Tara Christie

The entire Victoria Gold team is very proud to help support Every Student, Every Day and we recognize that by working together, we can all help address barriers to regular school attendance in our territory’s schools. We are committed to hiring and training Yukoners at the Eagle Gold Mine and by attaining high school graduation, through engagement in learning and regular attendance, opportunities increase for our territory’s youth right here at home.

Victoria Gold President and CEO, and Every Student, Every Day Co-founder John McConnell

Quick facts
  • Every Student, Every Day is an initiative of Victoria Gold Corp’s registered, not-for-profit charity, the Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society.

  • A committee of Department of Education staff and Society representatives selected the successful projects, and the funds will be implemented in the 2021–22 school year.

  • Throughout the year, volunteers from Every Student, Every Day host socially distanced and virtual events to raise awareness and funds to improve student attendance in the territory. In the fall of 2020, the main fundraising event was online and generated donations from individual and corporate donors from around the world.


Every Student, Every Day – Student Attendance
Projects Funded for 2021–22

1. Champagne and Aishihik First Nations/Porter Creek Secondary – Whitehorse

Culture Club
Promote re-engagement of students and families through student-led workshops and activities, and safe cultural spaces that give a sense of belonging at school.

2. Christ the King School – Whitehorse

Learning Outside the Box
Out-of-classroom activities and the creation of equitable opportunities for land-based activities, designed to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, boost concentration.

3. Del Van Gorder School – Faro

Finding the Track for Success
Meet with families whose children are experiencing ongoing attendance issues to discuss supports to improve attendance in a non-judgmental and fun setting.

Makerspace – 21st Century Learning Space
Establish a hands-on learning environment to support students in applying innovative and design thinking, and encourage real-world learning in authentic and meaningful ways.

4. École Whitehorse Elementary School – Whitehorse

Let’s Gather – Playground Renewal – Intermediate Students
Create a sense of community and belonging through a playground renewal project for the intermediate playground. Create a welcoming space for students to gather and connect with peers before school hours.

5. Elijah Smith Elementary School – Whitehorse

Give students a sense of belonging and engagement at school through the purchase of various equipment and supplies for school activities and clubs. 

Reflecting our Students
Expand on an existing project by providing digital media that showcases students’ accomplishments, traditional Indigenous Artwork, and advertises events to encourage family engagement in school.

Still on Board
Expand on an existing project to create an environment that reflects the student body and levels the playing field for students during outdoor activities. E.g., warm clothing loans.

6. Eliza Van Bibber School – Pelly Crossing

Reconnect with Trades and Technology
Engage students with low attendance rates through trades and technology programming, such as bike repair and student interest-driven products. Improve average daily attendance for students who had a decline in the last year.

Start with Art                                                                                                                                 
Reduce ongoing absenteeism and the number of students arriving late in the morning to school by providing opportunities for art projects and art incentives before the school day starts.

7. Gadzoosdaa Student Residence (GSR) – Whitehorse          

Attendance Success for the GSR Community
Improve class attendance/punctuality by providing incentives for daily, bi-weekly, or per semester attendance and GSR attendance collectively. Enhance student residence environment.

8. Grey Mountain Primary School – Whitehorse

Kids in Motion
Promote student attendance through a focus on outdoor learning and the purchase of scooters to allow classrooms to be "mobile" in all seasons, and improve engagement for at-risk students.

9. Holy Family Elementary School Council – Whitehorse

Sensory Room Resources
Improve the existing sensory room to expand use for all children in school through organizing the existing space, making the best use of the room for calming or stimulation, and the addition of new therapeutic tools.

10. Individual Learning Centre – Whitehorse

Health Supplies
Provide health supplies to students through a pediatrician-supported program to support their health and ability to attend school regularly and make progress in coursework.

Welcome Kits
Help new students feel welcomed, prepared, and supported as they re-engage with schooling by providing Welcome Kits with a variety of information and wellness items.

11. Jack Hulland Elementary School – Whitehorse

Windows, Mirrors, Sliding Glass Doors
Create a library space where students feel welcomed, included, represented, and engaged. A space where children can see themselves, their community, their culture and their identity reflected back at them.

12. J.V. Clark School – Mayo

Inclusive, Student-Centred Space
Provide a more open, calm and inclusive space in each classroom. Launch a student- centred guest expert initiative and a student hygiene pantry to improve engagement and preparedness to attend school regularly.

13. Kwanlin Dün First Nation – Whitehorse

Attendance and Parental Involvement
Support for students who are struggling with attendance through targeted supports. Provide incentives such as gift cards and prizes to encourage regular attendance. Provide a community engagement event to involve families in supporting improved attendance.

14. Robert Service School – Dawson

Hands-on Skills Development
Engage students and improve attendance through enriched technology programming.

15. St. Elias Community School – Haines Junction

Shop Repair Club
Establish a noon-hour and after-school shop repair club to motivate students to attend school and increase retention and graduation potential.

Bannock Feeds Students in More Ways than One
Motivate improved attendance by making and sharing bannock for students and incorporating culture, language, history and entrepreneurship.

16. Takhini Elementary School – Whitehorse

Timberwolves on the Snow and Land
Enhance engagement by purchasing equipment that allows students to explore the land and forest, increase health and physical fitness, learn from elders, or create cultural products.

17. Teen Parent Centre – Whitehorse

Family Oriented Program
Provide incentives to increase attendance rates and develop effective routines to attend school, contributing to a positive environment and higher academic success.

18. Youth Achievement Centre – Whitehorse

Summer Engagement for School Success
Engage youth in summer programming and back to school plans by using biking to connect with youth, and as a way for youth to connect with the land and community partners.




Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Susie Ross
Communications, Department of Education

Amanda Leslie
Mosaic Communications

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