Yukon schools and First Nations receive $100,000 for attendance projects

A total of $100,000 in financial support has been awarded to 21 Yukon projects from the Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society’s Every Student, Every Day fund to support improving student attendance in schools throughout the territory.

Throughout the year, volunteers from Every Student, Every Day engage with Yukon's private sector to fundraise for these project awards to decrease student absenteeism. The Government of Yukon also contributes $25,000 annually, along with administrative support to communicate and coordinate with schools, Yukon First Nations governments, communities and non-governmental organizations.

The Second Annual Victoria Gold Every Student, Every Day golf tournament fundraiser will take place at Meadow Lakes Golf Course on Friday, June 14, 2019.

The Government of Yukon is very pleased to partner with the Victoria Gold Yukon Student Encouragement Society to improve both student attendance as well as engagement at school. Student attendance is one of the most important factors contributing to student success. Students who attend school regularly tend to get better grades and practice important work habits that can benefit them throughout their lives.

Minister of Education Tracy-Anne McPhee

We’re so pleased by the overwhelming response we got this year and by the depth and diversity of the attendance projects submitted. We received 28 applications, the most in our charity’s seven-year history, and are of course delighted to be able to fund so many of them as we work together with the department and with our community partners on behalf of our territory’s students to support their success at school and well-being throughout life.

Victoria Gold Yukon Encouragement Society President Tara Christie 

Quick facts
  • Every Student, Every Day is an initiative of Victoria Gold Corp’s registered, not-for-profit charity.

  • Since it was established by Victoria Gold in 2012, Every Student, Every Day has raised and distributed over $500,000 to 90 student attendance projects in almost every Yukon community.

  • The successful projects were selected by a committee of Department of Education staff and society representatives on April 30 and will be implemented in the 2019-20 school year.

  • Fundraising events include the Second Annual Victoria Gold Every Student, Every Day (ESED) golf tournament at Meadow Lakes Golf Course on Friday, June 14, 2019 and an annual Fundraising Gala on October 5, 2019.

Media contact

Lisa Bucher
Cabinet Communications

Susie Ross
Communications, Department of Education

Amanda Leslie
Every Student, Every Day

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