Yukon school calendar dates now available

A complete list of calendar dates for all Yukon schools are now available online at Yukon.ca for the 2019–20 school year. Key dates for the 2020–23 school years are also available online as part of the Government of Yukon’s efforts to help families, schools and communities plan activities.

Each year, a great deal of planning and discussion goes into establishing school calendars to ensure we are meeting the educational needs of all Yukon students. Thank you to all school councils, school administrators, and school communities for your hard work this year and every year in assisting with developing school calendars that try to balance the needs of students and school communities.

Minister of Education Tracy-Anne McPhee

Quick facts
  • Staff training days for the 2019–20 school year have now been set, and school bell schedules will be finalized in the coming weeks.

  • School calendars in Yukon require 950 hours of instruction through the school year and school days must be between 300 to 330 instructional minutes according to the Education Act.

  • School calendars are developed with school councils who can provide input on how calendar dates affect the community, including for Yukon First Nations cultural activities. The Student Attendance Policy provides for Yukon First Nations students to be away from school if a school day is at the same time as a Yukon First Nations cultural activity.

  • All Whitehorse schools share the same calendar dates. Watson Lake schools also follow the same calendar dates while other rural school calendars vary depending on the needs of the community.

  • The 2019–20 school calendars will have common dates across all schools to facilitate networking and shared learning during professional development days and to realize efficiencies for student transportation.

  • Schools in Whitehorse will begin the next school year on August 21, 2019, with a two-week Christmas and March break. Rural school start dates vary by community.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Jason Mackey
Communications, Education

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