In CanAge’s second annual Adult Vaccination Report, the Yukon government received the highest grade improvement out of all Canadian jurisdictions for its adult vaccination programs.
The Government of Yukon received a C in response to significant changes in 2021 to its adult immunization program. Changes included expanding the eligibility for the publicly funded Shingrix vaccine and providing the Fluzone high dose flu vaccine for anyone 65 and older. The Government of Yukon is one of the only governments in Canada to fund the recommended shingles vaccine.
The government also launched a new website, Yukon Immunize, to provide Yukoners with a single source of information about vaccines and immunization. The website will soon highlight an adult immunization schedule specifically for those 65 and older.
The purpose of the Adult Vaccination Report is to provide an objective snapshot of how each province and territory in Canada is performing in the area of adult vaccination. The average score across provinces and territories is a D-, unchanged from last year’s inaugural report.
Our government is focused on helping ensure that Yukoners can get the vaccines that help them remain healthy and safe from preventable diseases such as shingles, influenza or COVID-19. The CanAge report highlights the strength that our Yukon Immunization program has developed over the past year and I am proud to see the Yukon leading the country in improving vaccination efforts and protecting seniors.
In the 2022 report card, the Government of Yukon earned the biggest improvement in overall score compared to last year’s report.
The Yukon’s rating improved from an F to a C.
The Government of Yukon is one of the only governments in Canada to fund the recommended shingles vaccine.
The Government of Yukon continues to focus on ways to improve vaccine uptake, which includes improving the way information is communicated to the public.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Samantha Henney
Communications, Health and Social Services