Yukon projects receive support from the Community Development Fund

Twenty-five community projects from across Yukon are receiving a total of $815,597 in Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding through the Community Development Fund.

Funding recipients include the Dawson City Yukon University campus to provide a program on recreation, culture and leisure event planning. The full list of recipients can be found below.

The Community Development Fund is an important resource for many organizations in contributing to healthy, vibrant and sustainable Yukon communities. These projects help to create employment and economic opportunities for many Yukoners. I am glad to see so many grassroots organizations utilizing the fund to improve their communities.

Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that offer long-term, sustainable economic and social benefits for Yukon communities. Funding is divided into three tiers with the following application deadlines:

    • Tier 1: Applications of $20,000 or less on January 15, May 15, July 15 and October 15.
    • Tier 2: Applications between $20,000 and $75,000 on April 15 and September 15.
    • Tier 3: Applications over $75,000 on January 15.

Community Development Fund Tier 1 May 15, 2020 Intake Approved Projects – $143,962

Centre for Human-Wildlife Conflict Solutions – $2,009 – To hire a contractor to work with the board members and the Executive Director to upgrade their website to ensure there is easy access to information in both official languages, eliminate redundant information and properly archive old data. This project will create 40 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Heather Ashthorn at 867-335-5212.

Spruce Hill Community Association – $17,601 – To hire a local contractor to level and pave the existing rink. This will include excavation of existing materials, supplying, placing and compacting a granular base, and supplying, placing and compacting hot mix asphalt. This project will create short term employment for a local contractor. Contact: Wade Hanna at 867-667-2085.

Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous – $17,475 – To hire a local contractor to work with the Alternate Revenue Stream Committee to research, develop and implement up to three alternate revenue streams. This project will create 152 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Saskrita Shrestha at 867-667-2148.

Klondike Active Transport and Trails Society  $15,100 – To upgrade approximately two kilometres of existing cross country ski trails to accommodate new trail grooming equipment. This project will create 120 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Cathie Findlay-Brook at (867) 993-2773.

Town of Faro – $6,797 – To purchase and install new fitness equipment to replace equipment that was purchase in the 1980’s and no longer safe to use. The equipment to be purchased will include an Inotec NL7 leg press, Northern lights power rack, full cage, Inspire Fitness F11 cable machine and a Stealth Super Bench. Contact: Denis Bento at 867-994-2375.

Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition – $15,997 – To purchase two solar greenhouses and hire a carpenter to build eight raised garden beds. One greenhouse and the raised beds will be placed at 60 Selkirk Street for residents’ use and one greenhouse will be placed at Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition’s location on Hanson Street for use by members of the Food Network Yukon, Voices Influencing Change, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Society Yukon (FASSY), Blood Ties and the Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre. Volunteer assistance has been offered from Downtown Urban Gardeners, the Rotary Club, Boys & Girls Club of Yukon and the Seed Library staff to ensure the success of the project. A local garden mentor will also be hired to provide participants with instruction in gardening, maintenance and harvesting techniques. This project will provide short term employment for three people. Contact: Kerry Nolan at 867-334-9317.

Yukon Agricultural Association – $18,525 – To hire two consultants to prepare a functional analysis and concept design for an abattoir in Dawson City and to prepare operational business planning to recommend a financially sustainable operations model. This project will provide short term employment for two people. Contact: Jennifer Hall at 867-668-6864.

Yukon University Dawson Campus – $17,853 – To provide a non-credited 12-week program on Event Planning for Recreation, Culture, and Leisure. Through the lens of event planning, the program will focus on practical and academic skill development in the area of community sports, recreation and cultural programming. The objective of the program is to increase the quality and regularity of community recreational events, improve the employability of participants and enhance the quality of cultural celebrations. The project will create 600 hours of employment for four people. Contact: John McDonald at 867-993-8800

Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition — $19,375 — To hire a local strategic communications consultant to establish a Communications Strategy and Community Capacity Building Plan to assist with improving understanding and communications both within the membership and the broader community. This project will create short term employment for one person. Contact: Kristina Craig at 867-334-9318.

White River First Nation $13,500 – To engage the services of a website designer to create a functional website for the First Nation’s economic development area. In cooperation with White River First Nation community leaders, the website designer will develop appropriate content and put it into a professionally created website. The project will create short term employment for one person. Contact: Chris Cowx 867-633-5525.

Community Development Fund Tier 2 April 15, 2020 Intake Approved Projects –$671,635

Whitehorse Glacier Bears Swim Club – $52,300 — To purchase and install eight new starting blocks to replace existing ones that no longer meet safety standards. This project will create employment for one person. Contact: James Stewart at 867-332-6334.

Humane Society Yukon – $49,169 – To hire a local consulting team to work with their Board of Directors and staff to develop an internal and external review, systems and technology modernization and strategic and organizational planning for the organization. This project will create employment for one person. Contact: Christie Harper at 867-335-2637.

Teslin Historical & Museum Society – $41,376 – To purchase and install museum standard lighting in the main exhibit room for artifact preservation in the George Johnston Museum. As there are strict museum standard guidelines for light angles and intensity for artifact preservation, the upgrades will be overseen by a qualified technician. The Museum’s manager will work alongside the technician, to gain experience in museum lighting specifications. This project will create two days of employment for two people. Contact: Ryan Durack at 514-616-7225.

Village of Mayo – $75,000 – To complete exterior upgrades and renovations to the Binet House and Annex building including upgrades/repairs to the exterior walls, roof, corbels, window casings, eaves troughs and downspouts of both. Repairs to the deck, replacement of the stairs and railings around the deck, replacement of the walkway with material that is easier to walk on, replacement of the lattice below the deck and new borders for the flower beds will also take place. This project will create 340 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Margit Wozniak at 867-996-4300.

Porter Creek Community Association – $24,120 – To conduct a feasibility study and conceptual design for the construction of a steel stairway that would connect Porter Creek and the Whistle Bend Subdivision. The proposed location for the site would be the existing official trail behind Tamarack Drive in Porter Creek. This project will create employment for one person. Contact: Taelor Mason at 867-334-3408.

Watson Lake Daycare – $20,975 – To purchase materials and hire a contractor to build a new storage shed as well as a greenhouse for the Watson Lake Daycare. This project will provide employment for two people. Contact: Angela Winsor at 867-536-216.

Whitehorse Firefighters Charitable Organization – $25,519 – To hire a consultant, who will work in partnership with society members, to evaluate current activities and sponsorship agreements, organizational priorities and capacity to develop a long term sustainability plan, which includes three sub-plans. This project will provide employment for one person. Contact: Nicholas O'Carrol at 867-333-0931.

Societe des immeubles franco-yukonnaise – $26,335 – To improve storage conditions, replace counter tops in the community hall kitchen and upgrade the security system for the Centre de la francophonie. This project will create eight weeks of employment for three people. Contact: Aurelien Laurent at 867-668-2663.

Dawson City Arts Society – $75,000 – To complete kitchen renovations and upgrades required to ensure a safe and efficient community space. The renovations, which will be carried out by a local contractor, will include enlarging the kitchen by 40 square feet and upgrading it to commercial standards. This project will create 288 hours of employment for five people. Contact: Marie-Clair Findlay-Brook at 867-993-5005.

Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council – $45,900 – To develop a curriculum and training program to support Indigenous and high risk people to learn the pre-employment and practical life skills required to gain meaningful and long term employment in their community. This project will create 235 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Claudia Riveros at 867-667-6162.

Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre – $21,201 – To renovate the bathroom in the rural pregnant mothers’ suite and install new flooring throughout the house. This project will create 160 hours of employment for two people. Contact: Stacy Mitro at 867-667-2693.

City of Dawson – $75,000 – To develop a park for the residents of Dredge Pond subdivision including the installation of playground equipment, park furniture and low maintenance landscaping. This project will create employment for one person. Contact: Marta Selassie at 867-993-7400.

Yukon Freestyle Ski Association – $47,047 – To hire a local contractor to level out the current airbag site and construct a proper run with two different sized jumps that will lead onto the airbag landing. Heavy equipment will be used to move the soil and compact it for consistent athlete use. This project will create employment for one person. Contact: Stephanie Robertson at 867-335-2090.

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun – $51,856 – To renovate an existing 20’ x 24’ building and a trailer into facilities that can be used from spring to fall. Closing the structures to the elements will provide a more secure, warm and safe environment for processing, sorting and distributing garden produce, provide a space where elders can comfortably visit the site and where gardening workshops can be held. This project will create 1,125 hours of employment for five people. Contact: Maureen Huggard at 867-334-2681. 

Liard First Nation – $40,837 To hire a consulting company to develop a functional space design for a future Cultural Centre/Admin Building in Watson Lake. This project will create employment for one person. Contact: Jasper Lamouelle at 780-266-2591.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Jason Seaton
Communications, Economic Development

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