Eleven community projects across Yukon are receiving $162,040 from the Community Development Fund. The projects promote heritage, culture, sport, recreation and arts projects in six Yukon communities.
Funding recipients include the Village of Carmacks, the Golden Age Society and the Old Crow Development Corporation. The full list of recipients and project details are listed below.
The next deadline to apply for Tier 1 funding, for projects $20,000 and under, is October 15, 2020.
The Community Development Fund continues to support community-driven projects that strengthen social connections while creating employment opportunities across the Yukon. Whether it’s promoting heritage and culture, expanding sport and recreation opportunities, or increasing capacity to provide engaging experiences for Yukoners and visitors alike, these projects help create economic opportunities that contribute to vibrant, healthy communities.
The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that offer long-term, sustainable economic and social benefits for Yukon communities. Funding is divided into three tiers with the following application deadlines:
- Tier 1: Applications of $20,000 or less on January 15, May 15, July 15 and October 15.
- Tier 2: Applications between $20,000 and $75,000 on April 15 and September 15.
- Tier 3: Applications over $75,000 on January 15.
Village of Carmacks — $20,000 — To hire a local contractor to rejuvenate the historic telegraph office. The work will include replacing rotting logs and adding gutters to the building to prevent further deterioration. The project will create short term employment for a local contractor, generate local spending and preserve a heritage building. Contact: Tracy Thomas at 867-863-6271.
Yukon Harpists Society — $3,240 — To hire a consultant to complete a feasibility plan to determine the need for a pedal harp in the Yukon, analyze the best harp to purchase for the Yukon’s needs and develop a plan for the use, storage, access and maintenance of a new harp at the Yukon Arts Centre. This project will provide short-term employment for a local consultant, will help local students to further develop their harp skills, knowledge and experience and support future presentations at the Yukon Arts Centre. Contact: Sue Edelman at 867-334-2750.
Athletics Yukon Association — $5,000 — To hire a qualified local consultant to assist with the development of a three to five-year strategic plan. This project will provide Athletics Yukon with a clear focus and vision for the organization and its membership. This strategic planning will enable Athletics Yukon to continue serving their members to the highest standards which will benefit the Yukon sporting community as a whole. Contact: Kristy Petrovello at 867-532-1182.
Golden Age Society — $8,612 — To complete upgrades to their drop-in centre for seniors. The improvements to the facility will greatly enhance its attractiveness for use both by the membership and potential clientele. Electrical, venting and painting upgrades will address current deficiencies and safety issues. This project will create short term employment for two local contractors. Contact: Ron Pond at 867-334-1780.
Friends of Mount Sima Society — $15,222 — To purchase a large outdoor tent, chairs and tables for use at Mount Sima to provide additional space at the facility. The additional space will better accommodate the requirements of social distancing and is an important step for Mt. Sima being able to open to the public. Contact: Sam Oettli at 867-668-4557.
Old Crow Development Corporation — $20,000 — To conduct a timber harvesting pilot project in Old Crow to provide affordable heating resources for elders in the community. The pilot project will include formal training on proper harvesting protocol, sustainable forest harvesting and chainsaw safety and maintenance as well as the set-up of a camp, which will operate from August to October. This project has the capability to provide long term employment and a more economical energy source for local residents. Course participants will obtain skills, knowledge and experience in timber harvesting. This in turn will promote environmental stewardship, financial stability and self-sufficiency. Contact: Geordan Clark or David Frost at 867-332-2897.
Town of Watson Lake — $14,979 — To upgrade parts of the Watson Lake multi-use trail system to increase access for single track/mountain biking in the area. The proposed project promotes health and well-being and will provide short term employment for an expert trail builder and a five-person trail crew. Contact: Cam Lockwood at 867-536-800 ext.1007.
Sport Yukon — $17,000 — To update Sport Yukon’s sport tourism photo and video assets. Sport Yukon will hire a local photographer to capture photos and videos of Yukon’s sport and recreation facilities. This project will capture winter and summer content from around the Territory to be used to promote Yukon for sport hosting opportunities in the future. Promoting events successfully requires the right assets to do so, updating photos and videos to use in promotional materials such as website and social media will help Sport Yukon identify and promote all sport and recreation facilities that Yukon has to offer. The project will also generate local spending and create employment with the hiring of a local photographer. Contact: Echo Ross at 867-335-9145.
Northern Lights School of Dance Society — $17,987 — To hire consultants to conduct a feasibility study regarding future expansion and ensure that the facility and services offered will meet the long term needs of the community. Northern Lights School of Dance will hire a team of three consultants to explore options available to them, from constructing a new building to renovating their current space. The feasibility study will determine the best path forward for the society. Contact: Christina Buckle at 867-336-8807.
Silver Trail Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Association — $20,000 — To create a short video to highlight the Silver Trail region and its recreation facilities and wilderness hiking. This project has the possibility of increasing visitors to the region and providing a deeper understanding of the unique history and life in the region. This project will also create short term employment for a local contractor. Contact: Anne Leckie at 867-335-0892.
Selkirk Development Corporation — $20,000 — To study to the technical and economic feasibility of upgrading, expanding and diversifying the Selkirk Centre to accommodate more services for the community and traveling public. The proposed expansion of the facility and its services will build needed infrastructure in the community, create employment, cultural and entrepreneurial opportunities for Selkirk First Nation citizens and enhance the tourist experience for visitors to the community. This project will benefit the community by creating long-term financial stability and a greater sense of community pride and togetherness. Contact: Zach Fulton at 867-393-2181
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development