Yukon planning near-normal return to school for K-12 students

The Government of Yukon is planning a near-normal return to school for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students in the 2021–22 school year, with some measures continuing to keep schools a low-risk setting.

The Department of Education is working closely with the Chief Medical Officer of Health to ensure health and safety guidelines align with the current risks of the day. Updated guidelines will be available in the coming days.

Key updates:

  • Masking requirements will be revised, requiring students over the age of five and staff to wear masks in all indoor settings outside the classroom, including common areas and hallways.
  • School buses will be operating normally, with required mask use for all drivers and riders age five and older. Bus routes for the new school year are now available to view on Yukon.ca, and all registered riders should have received their seat assignments last week.
  • Physical distancing, hand washing and other hygiene practices, and staying home while sick will still be part of the school year. The stop light assessment tool is being revised and will be made available before schools resume.

Central administration staff will support school administrators and school councils to develop operational plans for individual schools that ensure all students can return to in-person instruction. Continued learning for all students has been a priority since the beginning of the pandemic. Operational plans will include flexibility to ensure learning continues over the course of the school year.

Most Yukon students return to classes on Monday, August 23.

While health and safety concerns are paramount, continued learning for all students has also been a priority since the beginning of the pandemic. Thanks to the tremendous efforts of educators, support staff, administrators and Yukoners’ overall willingness to get vaccinated, the Yukon was one of the few jurisdictions that kept K-12 schools open and operating safely throughout the 2020–21 school year. I am confident our learned experience coupled with guidance from the CMOH have prepared us for a safe return to school this fall.

Minister of Education Jeanie McLean

As the school year quickly approaches, I know that some uncertainty remains. Although COVID-19 is present within our community, it is crucial that children can return to an environment that supports their overall well-being and provides some sense of routine, learning and social development. I am confident that we have the necessary tools in place that allow both children and staff to return safely to the classroom.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley

Quick facts
  • The first day for students at Whitehorse schools is August 23, 2021.

  • Rural schools follow different school calendars than schools in Whitehorse, with students returning to class between Wednesday, August 18 and Wednesday, September 1.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Erin MacDonald
Communications, Education

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