This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and the Yukon Historical & Museums Association.
The Government of Yukon and the Yukon Historical & Museums Association have partnered to offer the Yukon 125 Fund to help tell Yukon stories from all perspectives as the territory marks its 125th anniversary.
Integral to commemorating Yukon 125 is ensuring everyone sees themselves in Yukon history and understands its creation and evolution far beyond the scope of a federal marker. The fund aims to support community-led initiatives and activities that promote a sense of pride in the Yukon while also encouraging critical analysis and reflection of the complete history.
The Yukon 125 Fund makes $400,000 available to Yukon First Nation governments, Yukon municipalities, community organizations, clubs, boards and committees in support of commemorative projects, events and activities. Each successful applicant is eligible to receive up to $7,500.
The application period is open today for projects between June 1 and October 31, 2023. Application forms and complete guidelines are available at heritageyukon.ca/yukon-125 or contact YHMA at (867) 332-4979 or yukon125@heritageyukon.ca
As we celebrate the significant milestone of the Yukon's 125th anniversary, we are fortunate to have the expertise and resources of the Yukon Historical & Museums Association to administer this funding opportunity. It is a privilege to observe and take part in the diverse perspectives on the Yukon's past, present, and future, made possible through the Yukon 125 Fund.
YHMA is honoured to be administering the Yukon 125 Fund. Yukon 125 calls on us to use the knowledge of the Yukon’s past – beginning millennia before 1898 and continuing to the present – to build a stronger future. Our hope is that Yukon 125 projects and events not only serve as an invitation to engage with our Yukon history, but also as a call to action for us to act with vision, creativity and purpose in the coming years.
Established in 1977, the Yukon Historical & Museums Association is a registered charity that works to strengthen heritage in the Yukon through leadership, advocacy and education.
The Yukon joined Canadian Confederation on June 13, 1898. This year marks the 125th anniversary of the territory.
The Yukon government has allocated a total of $400,000 in funding for community-driven initiatives to commemorate the occasion. Applicants will be eligible for up to $7,500 per initiative.
The fund will offer two application streams: one for First Nation governments and municipalities, which will automatically qualify for funding; the other to fund initiatives from community organizations, clubs, boards and committees.
Janna Swales
YHMA President
Cameron Webber
Communications, Tourism and Culture